He worked in the circus, a performer, a natural-born clown. He had the talent to make you erupt into laughter, using a goofy smile, despite his good looks. He adored what he did, that's why he took the jabs. Now, today, his mother is fielding calls from loved ones and friends because her son, her only child, is being placed into an induced coma. Since the vaccinations, and he's had six, he's been having seizures, but instead of the CAT scan revealing the dodgy switch, it uncovered a brain tumour so large it's inoperable.
Interview Laurie, a retried Funeral Director. Finely
Further down the road, as my partner searched an op-shop for new clothes, a woman approached the bus to say hello. Finally, she revealed that she was the local funeral director, which saw the conversation quickly move to excess deaths. Last year was their busiest year on record.
I asked her if any of the mourners had queried or even come out and stated that the jabs were behind the loss of their loved one. No, she said. They say nothing. Then I asked her who was the youngest she'd buried. A newborn baby, she said, and I saw the pain ripple through her eyes. Is that common, I asked. No, she said. It's rare. But the young mother was all jabbed, she said. She had to take it to keep her job. What was her job? She worked at the local IGA, part-time.
Then a flock of corellas cracked the sky above us, as they flew over the town like the last custodians of our rebel souls.
Evan and Michael working on Flornenc’s muffler
The next morning I'm interviewing Mika, from Finland. And we go through the tyranny checklist, digital ID, end of cash, chemtrails, you know the rest, and it's all the same. What's happening here is happening there, which leaves you sensing this dark cloud spreading across the world as the people look into the light of their phones, as though it was an umbilical cord to a safe place. Nothing to see here because everything's fine, their downcast expressions claim.
Cafe Locked Out’s first coffee table book.
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A day before, another woman starts talking to me. Quiet and gentle, she talks about a time in 1974, when she was working in a hospital in Carlton
“The little boy was Philip Marmo. He was a perfectly healthy baby up until 9 months old when he was given his 3rd triple antigen injection - which caused catastrophic brain damage.
This was the first time I had ever heard of vaccines causing any harm. In those days the doctors and nurses talked openly and freely about the damage caused by vaccines.
When I knew Philip in 1979 he would have been about 10 years old. He could not walk, talk or feed himself and was totally reliant on others to do everything for him - but his face used to light up when ever I walked in.
The little baby who ignited a desire in me to have my own children was a little Downs Syndrome baby who had been dumped there by his parents because he wasn't perfect enough! He was just a few months old and he used to give me the most beautiful smiles and somehow he just touched my heart.
No one ever visited these children, she told me. We were their family.
Listen to the radio play versions of My Brother, My Brother, My Brother here.
Maybe this is evidence, that defaulting to silence and looking the other way, is a cultural norm. Is it how we manage to drink our coffee and shoot our TikTok dance videos without being affected by all the excess deaths and injuries?
There was another orphan there too, in 1974. He had a touch of Down syndrome, just a touch, she said, but it was enough for his parents to dump him here, and they too never returned. But he was full of joy and had such a beautiful smile, she said, that he inspired me to have children of my own. So I did, and now they are all grown, and jabbed, and they still call me an idiot, as I pray every morning, she said, to not let them be harmed.
It's Friday, and soon we’ll be heading back to the road.
Michael Gray Griffith
Near Finlay
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