This piece was written thirty years ago, since then my country has grown into the poem and let me know that I Was a purple buddle.
It’s to do with how we are educated to hate. But it’s written for children. It can even be sung.
Interested to know if the homeschool network could use it.
The Judgmental Puddle
In Bubble Town all the people were round
and all their houses square,
and no matter how much you looked around and around
you’d find no sad people there.
Round they were, four colours round;
Like little coloured bubbles.
Red and yellow, purple and green
bubbles that didn’t like trouble.
Big Trouble
In the form of a grey,
and not very round,
but very judgmental,
The puddle was left after a long night of rain
That cold and stronger kept pouring,
And although most of the bubbles would listen to the storm,
It would be safer to say
‘You were snoring’
And anyway, what’s wrong with rain
when it cleaned and washed and promised,
to make flowers bloom and to remove all the rubbish
from your house and your streets
and your wallets.
And so it poured and rained
and rained and poured
and then left, as a gift,
the puddle.
An odd drop of water,
a mirror on the floor
that wouldn’t reflect . . . some people.
Purple people.
It wouldn’t reflect the purple bubble people.
Red and yellow, yellow and green,
But purple . . . Uh uh.
They asked it why
but how could it reply?
The rain hadn’t left it a mouth.
All the people knew
was when the purples looked down,
well let’s just say,
it wasn’t looking good . . .
This was trouble.
Grey puddle bubble trouble
Especially when all the people were so used to being liked.
Now purple bubbles were a strong part of the town
Doctors and lawyers, key cutters and clowns.
They worked in the banks, they worked on the farms,
They were happy, they were friendly and they were proud.
They lived next to the greens, had coffee with the reds
and played chess in the parks with the yellows,
and before the puddle had judged them unfit
the only difference they’d known was, well
But then it didn’t stop here.
Oh no.
This was trouble.
Grey puddle bubble trouble,
Especially when all the bubbles were so used to being liked.
But then it didn’t stop here.
Oh no.
As the days passed the puddle got pickier.
It became a colder and pickier much pickier puddle
That refused reflect any coloured bubble who dared to
keep a purple friend.
But look down again,
once you were friends no more,
And there you’d find yourself
in this mirror on the floor.
Smiling green and red and yellow bubbles
Bubbles that didn’t like trouble.
But more trouble came
With every new day the puddle grew pickier
it became a pickier and pickier and even more pickier puddle.
Until, for no reason given, it would no longer reflect
any of the red, yellow or any green bubbles
Who happened to live on a street
where there were bubbles who were of a certain colour
A certain Purple colour.
In case you haven't clicked on,
this puddle really didn’t like
Oh what trouble.
What big coloured bubble trouble,
And so to save the peace,
the purple bubbles were all move into the one part of town.
Purple Place, Which was sort of err. . .
Then in the Coloured Bubble Town’s single newspaper,
The Coloured Bubble Town’s Gazette
a story was printed of one yellow inventor who’d come up with an idea to make things better,
How about, he wrote, if purple bubbles wore bags on their heads,
and on the front of the bags, we could paint yellow bubbles, or green or perhaps even red
and they’d have eye holes and arm holes and big friendly smiles
that would confuse, or rather trick the puddle.
But the purple bubbles wrote back
and all their angry letters said ‘No!’
One purple bubble who was sick to death of all this trouble,
wrote in and asked
‘What does it matter who puddle doesn't reflect ?
All it is is some shallow grey water’
But a red bubble wrote back to the Coloured Bubble Town Gazette and said
‘Only a Bubble
who had never seen itself in the puddle
would ask something stupid like that.’
So, frighted that they too would anger the puddle
all the yellow and red and all the green bubbles
stopped shopping in those purple bubble shops
And so
Purple popular pancake patties
Purple popping popcorn stores
Plastic purple pencil providers
Profound poetical purple prints
Purple primrose potted plants
Purple, not pink, playful plumbers
And Purple, pampered poultry Performers
One after the other,
because of no business,
had to start closing down.
This was bad.
Coloured bubble town was becoming sad
A town meeting had to be called.
In Coloured Bubble Town’s main meeting square
All the bubbles talked and talked
And all the talk was about the puddle
Until after hours and hours had passed
All the red and yellow and all the green bubbles
decided that, to stop all the trouble, it would probably be best
If any bubble that happened to be purple. . .ish
‘Just got going.’
‘Just got going where?’ the purple bubbles asked.
‘Just got going gone.’
And since the purple bubbles naturally refused
I mean coloured bubble town was their home,
The other bubbles at pin-point began marching the purple bubbles out of town.
On buses and trucks, in trains and eclectic cars
packed with their fridges, dream catchers and guitars,
the purple bubbles,
their bubble heads held high,
left Coloured Bubble Town . . .
I don’t understand,
one little red bubble cried,
Wouldn’t it be easier just to get rid of the puddle?
Oh I don’t know, whispered his big bubble mother,
that seems to me to be an awful lot of trouble,
And anyway, you should be grateful to the puddle,
For if it wasn’t for the puddle
not reflecting purple bubbles
You might have grown up without ever knowing
That purple bubbles were bad.
Michael GG
I must be purple then, perhaps I should wear a yellow star of David then get my serial number tattooed on my arm? Oh how that zeitgeist has changed ?