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I DON'T KNOW WHERE THESE SO CALLED CHEM TRAILS ARE BEING SPRAYED BESIDES ON YOUR CROPS\FOOD WHICH IS BAD ENOUGH. BUT THERE IS TOO MUCH PROPAGANDA AROUND ABOUT THIS TOPIC, I DO KNOW WE ARE SICK FROM IMPURE FOODS AND PUTTING BIG pHARMa IN OUR VEINS. EVEN DOMENTIA IS CAUSED FROM THE JAB MAKING THE BODY UNABLE TO FIGHT ANYTHING. just not yet conviced on these chem stories and mind control. I won't let anyone mind control me. how does this work?? I think anyone who "fools" for the underbelly propagada is mind controlled. And I don't think we should use AI but the old saying goes...BEAT THEM AT THEIR OWN GAME also, I think it's unsustainable. The human race will not be able to function in an AI world so it will crumble. Look at what's happening with DIGITAL\cash

AI is a tool of human imagination- AI doesn't exist in reality

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