I stood seperate this morning from the crowd at the 11am Anzac gathering in my country town. I did this not only to remember the sacrifices of our forefathers (WW11 my Father & Grandfather. Vietnam War my daughters father.), but the sacrifice of the Australians who perished or were severely injured by the enforced Experimental Injections beginning in 2021. I doubt that most in that crowd honouring our War dead & Injured would ever have given those other fellow Australians a thought. Well I did. Beautiful words Michael. And I am sure, like I & you, many other Aussies will be remembering the "Other" losses since 2021, not only on this day but every day. Lest we Forget.

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I stood alone in the sunrise on my local beach remembering family (WW1) and the other fallen …

I simply did not trust my voice to be anywhere near former or current WA politicians who might be present at a service I might attend …

Lest we forget 🙏💫

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Vietnam for many Americans was never ever legally declared as a War..It was and is still to us today an illegal unconstitutional undeclared war.

Unfortunately we all had to deal with the aftermath. My best sales agent was a vet I paid more than I paid myself he was that good. After two wrecked cars and a bailout of jail on Christmas eve, he confided in me about his role in Vietnam as long range recon marine. He told me, My Lai wasn't the only one.

Not a War but a Vietnam Horror.

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I think a lot of us had to restrain ourselves today and avoid the crowd at Anzac Services for fear of speaking out about the carnage that has been going on since 2020 (I include 2020, because people were denied any early treatment and perished).

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Thoughts put into words, excellent & stirring.

Thank you, Michael. Sharing.

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Magnificent words as always Michael, they keep many of us going

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I tried to remember them. But I felt ashamed and angry. Ashamed that we had forgotten 'them' and angry because most of us today don't even realise that we've lost the freedoms our forefathers so tenaciously and courageously fought for, some paying the supreme sacrifice. This courage and this tenacity was what Australia needed to unite, really unite. I'm angry that the leaders we trusted, and most still trust them, have attempted to divide our brothers and sisters who were here before us. I believe Australians don't see colour. Oh, the corporations have tried hard to make it appear that way. I believe we truely are one in spirit but the corporations sold us ALL out. As I reflected today, at home, alone, because I knew it would be nauseating to have to join with the crowds watching them waving their flags and laying their wreathes. And knowing the tyrannical corporations all around us must be laughing and sneering because they know how successful they've been at dividing us and stripping us of the once courageous aussie spirit. The corporations have hoodwinked us big time. Today, I reread the childhood fairy tale The Emperor's New Clothes because that's how I felt today about ANZAC day. And I shouldn't. My uncle was a POW at Changi prison. He helped build the Burma Railway under slavelike conditions. He returned home emanciated, with scars on his back from the whippings he received. He endured this to help keep EVERY Australian free. And he had another aspect of the aussie spirit which I believe has been attacked. It was the humor. Whenever we sat around the table eating rice for dinner he would say Gee, Jen (his wife) you sure can't cook rice like the japs. He said it with a smile n a twinkle in his eye. He wasn't resentful. He wasn't bitter. That was his lot and he wore it. SO the woke corporations and businesses think they've been successful. Let's rise up Australia TOGETHER and say NO MORE. None of us wants to repeat the bad. I have a little plaque and it reads GOOD TIMES ARE GOOD MEMORIES, BAD TIMES ARE GOOD LESSONS. We want to learn to do good to all cheerfully with no regrets. To be one in spirit. We all need and attitude of gratitude and a spirit of benevolence. God bless Australia. See you all at the next rally 😉

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It['s not just one day each year we need to remember, but every day. So many sacrifices made for our today, and every day.

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A shame that most don't realise it, but its our turn now. Thanks for standing up when its counted.

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I invited a friend to the ANZAC memorial service and his reply was that he did not celebrate war. I told him it was not a celebration, but an occasion to remember those who chose to fight for an ideal of freedom, a freedom from tyranny and oppression. He said it was a waste of effort as they didn’t win and that we are steadily losing our freedoms. Yes, he was right in the latter fact. We are losing our freedoms and our democracy, not to war lords but to those we trust, those we rely on can be the real enemy.

During war time we were told that the Kaiser was the enemy and all Prussians were baby killers, Hitler was the enemy and all Germans were monsters, Stalin was the enemy and all Russians were communists, Emperor Hirohito was the enemy and all Japanese were Bucktoothed and near sighted devils, Mao Zedong was the enemy and all Chinese were Yellow perils. Were they the real enemy or just masks to accuse? Were these men just figureheads for the organizations that sponsored them? There are always things we have not been told about.

A well-known statesman of the Union States of America knew that as the conflict against the Southern Confederate States raged, a higher force was always consuming his nation. He was reported to have said: “The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than a monarch, more insolent than autocracy and more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces as public enemies all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes. I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is the greater foe…corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow and the money powers of the country will endeavour to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few and the Republic is destroyed.” The 16th US President, Abraham Lincoln.

That was over 160 years ago, the American Civil War was one of the first industrial wars supplied by private corporations like Winchester, Whitworth, Remington, Colt, DuPont, Brooks Brothers, American Express, J.P. Morgan, Studebaker and many more famous names. Profiteers grew fantastically rich on the $2 million a day spending of the Union Government while their poor countrymen were slaughtered by the guns and cannons they supplied. Today, Lincoln’s prophecy is coming true.

The First World War was already planned, the reasons were made, the ammo was stacked and the guns were loaded and primed to first take Serbia. All it needed was someone to pull the trigger and it fell to a young misled Bosnian Serb lad with a revolver, Gavrilo Princip who shot the Prussian ArchDuke Ferdinand and his wife Dutchess Sophie. Was this the excuse needed to start one of the most profitable wars for the corporations and bankers and for countries to annex new lands for themselves?

The First World War was the first war of machines, Machine guns, Motor trucks, Aeroplanes, Tanks, Iron battleships and Submarines that were built by private corporations and financed by banks. Much profit was made and too many lives were lost for the illusion of freedom.

The trigger for the Second World War was a complicated annexation of territories around Poland and an attempt by the German Weimar to reunite with Eastern Prussia that was separated from Germany by a corridor of land given to Poland at the end of WW1 citing persecution of Germans living in the corridor as a reason to invade Poland. Slovakia and the Soviet Union took part in the invasion and annexation of Poland to claim land for themselves. Poland’s allies, France and England declared war on Germany and the dominoes fell. Treaties signed meant nothing.

The Second World War also brought great riches to the industrialists and the bankers who financed the corporations who manufactured the weapons and chemicals needed to keep the slaughter in full progress. The same bankers financed both sides, they had no ethics or allegiances they were just interested in making money and they were rolling in it. After the war, Europe had to be rebuilt, and who profited from that? Further wars were financed by the same banks and more profits were made.

US President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned of the dangers of the Military Industrial Complex in his farewell speech in 1961 and Robert F. Kennedy warned of the organisations behind it shortly before he was assassinated. The Military Industrial Complex is a beast that must be fed by wars to survive and is the Moloch of modern times that requires the sacrifice of human blood to remain vital. He is now fully active in Ukraine.

War fertilises the fields of commerce and industry. As most of us know from history, it’s always been the best solution for the infertility of an economic depression and it is the young and the innocent whose blood is sacrificed and scattered on the battlefields in proxy for the ruling kings, in the name of their God. The poppies grew tall on the blood-soaked fields of Flanders.

The dream of preserving freedom is fading fast as we have entered the time of World War Three where the enemy is not a tyrannical despot but the apathy, complacency and ignorance of the general public and the corruption of our political bureaucracy. This war is a war between corporations and people, technology and humanity, democracy and plutocracy, between the mind and the soul of humankind.

In each war, truth is the first casualty with the propaganda of misinformation and disinformation spewed forth from both sides of the conflict. Who is telling the truth? Who can you trust? It takes effort and study to find out. In this world of advancing technocracy and the emergence of AI it would be prudent to heed the foreboding words of a famous war time leader.

“..the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age, made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted by the lights of perverted science.” Sir Winston Churchill, 4th June 1940.

Being educated, aware and vigilant of those who would steal our freedoms would be the best way to honour those ANZACSs who believed that what they were doing would preserve our freedoms and the freedoms of the next generations. Let their efforts be not for nothing.

ANZAC Day is not just a time to remember the fallen, but a time we can ask why did this happen, learn from history and not make the same mistakes again.

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Hi Michael very nicely put. Mate I am a paid follower I keep getting your email which we enjoy please keep it up. Vince Nielsen.

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Deal Vince. Deal

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Thank you - Michael. Thank you, thank you.

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were are the churches

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