The Make Or Break For This Movement

Is Whether Just One Of The Notable Doctors

That We So Carefully Follow, Will Dismantle The Core Credibility/Foundation Of The Very Same Medical Institutions That They Themselves Depend Upon So Dearly

- For Their Own Credibility.

Their Own Readership And Followers, In The Hundreds Of Thousands, Are Further Along Than Many Of The Doctors Who Have Yet To "Unlearn" The Lies.

Consequently The Longer Each Of Them Takes

- The Less Credibility They Are Each Left With.

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Admirable attempt at a discussion. Michael you did a great job.

Lots of points could of been made, but it is hard to remember everything when in the middle of a live talk. It's tough. Dr Daniel is a believer obviously.

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This Dr doesn’t provide evidence on how he determines heart disease from a virus or vaccine induced🧐. He states myocarditis and pericarditis can occur a week or two after vaccination so he is aware but then dismisses the illness as mild chest pain for a couple of days. He talks about WE tested WE monitored and we’re not part of the cabal. This Dr has sold his soul to the devil. He continues to gaslight the injured by stating Shit Happens. For an educated man he lacks critical thinking and uses fear as a tool to boast vaccination numbers🤯. This Dr is 💯% on the Pfizer payroll.

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This doctor is full of bulldust, he is following the narrative, science can be manipulated, please get off your soap box. Your business is to heal not kill. You are a true pharmaceutics mouth piece so sad.

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Can you please discuss the fact that the shot contains MRNA, a GMO message that is sent to the body to make spike proteins, this is the whole point

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Covid is Rife in Sth. America?

Which countries?

Covid is not even being spoken about in the North of South America.

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