I too am a Melinda. I too left my 28 year nursing career due to no injection. Still out of work in that field but don’t regret any of it. I do miss caring for people as I was really good at being an advocate for my patients in emergency. If they don’t have a good advocate they can get lost in the system. Otherwise I wouldn’t go back to that system but people need it at certain times in life. X

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Good advice Mel, it is so important to have a good advocate when working in this undeniably satanic system. The system does not care that is the truth, but we need a legal advocate to work within it, to ensure someone can help us fight for our rights within it. Alternatively, we give up on the system and find other ways to support each other.

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I’m so sorry I cannot donate to such a worthy cause. I’m struggling living with no electricity while caring for my ABI husband and still paying a full mortgage. The possums ate all the wiring and it is too costly to get it fixed. So we live with no electricity.

If others can donate to Cafe Locked Out, please do.


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I hope I can be a legal advocate one day👍

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So sorry to hear all troubles ppl are having. I'll pray for Dianne and Michael, this is Australia, it's turned into a giant ponzi scheme of immigrants able to buy in to real estate pushing Aussies out of the system. This is not a third world country, what's the deal!

Ppl wanting a fair go are given the bum steer . Sad that Michael has been a nurse and can't do what he loves that if he were supported properly and not forced to have an experimental gene tech he wld still be functioning in work. What a disgrace that children are being taken away. WTF!

As Aussies, we need to fix this ridiculousness. #AUSExittheWho We need out of the system driven by foreign interference and this fake govt with no allegiance to We the People, they need to go. God bless all of you angels. To those who have lost children, I have no words. Brings me to tears. :-(

..Just to let you know I have shared this with everyone, may we turn these tables, so the meek shall inherit the earth, Stick with Jesus He is our friend in times like these.

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