Plenty of murder going on all over the world, let's look at it eh? Midazalam, Morphine drivers, Remdesiver, Ventilators, intubation, multiple toxic mRNA, next cab off the rank in the genocide SELF AMPLIFYING mMRA........SAUNA, they want to get that 1 billion population asap
You mentioned 'mass murderer Martin Bryant' but there is some questions remaining about his guilt or innocence and whether he was a scapegoat (I know nothing either way, but I've heard murmurings).
Perhaps, if 'alleged mass murderer Martin Bryant' is too much, how about 'convicted mass murderer Martin Bryant' instead?
This is the sort of doctor l would happily accept when I come to the end of my life. You dont allow animals to suffer, why allow humans to lie in bed, at the mercy of over worked carers, and any R.N that takes her time giving pain relieve. Palliative care is end of life. I do not want to suffer.I have been a proffesional most of my nursing career.I do not take this lightly.
Plenty of murder going on all over the world, let's look at it eh? Midazalam, Morphine drivers, Remdesiver, Ventilators, intubation, multiple toxic mRNA, next cab off the rank in the genocide SELF AMPLIFYING mMRA........SAUNA, they want to get that 1 billion population asap
You mentioned 'mass murderer Martin Bryant' but there is some questions remaining about his guilt or innocence and whether he was a scapegoat (I know nothing either way, but I've heard murmurings).
Perhaps, if 'alleged mass murderer Martin Bryant' is too much, how about 'convicted mass murderer Martin Bryant' instead?
Hey Michael..You would be a wealthy man if you were on mainstream as they are...You should push to be on current affair ..Get the truth out..
what a great interview - I am sorry this happened to such a great man - thank you for sharing this with us
This is the sort of doctor l would happily accept when I come to the end of my life. You dont allow animals to suffer, why allow humans to lie in bed, at the mercy of over worked carers, and any R.N that takes her time giving pain relieve. Palliative care is end of life. I do not want to suffer.I have been a proffesional most of my nursing career.I do not take this lightly.
I have always lived by the oath
First do no harm. This is my opinion..