Apathy is the biggest enemy of mankind... we need to find out .. WHY ?

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If every single one of us railed against this insanity where ever we find it.. we wouldn’t be in this mess! Many of our friends have let us down with their silent compliance. They have not a clue as to the seriousness of what’s happening here. There’s simply NO EXCUSE for not knowing what’s going on. https://johnbotica.substack.com/p/dear-aware-and-awakened-friends?r=tz7cx&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=direct

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You’re an incredible writer Michael and an incredible human. What you are doing matters. You are choosing Truth everyday and it WILL win. We were tested in 2020 and 2021 and you passed the test. You are the best of us and every response less than what you have shown is a compromise with the evil that is suffocating us. You are a true man and give us all hope and courage. You are the future and a marker that shines the light on how low we have sunk.

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