I do not understand those lauding Daniel Ninio's "courage" for appearing on Cafe Locked Out. Ninio is a self-described "mainstream guy", a description that he repeated a number of times during his appearance. There is nothing at all courageous about a person squawking propaganda for the mainstream and for which there is no cost to him for doing so. That position is in stark contrast to those of us who rejected the Covid injectables and the absurdist theatre that went with it. Those of you spruiking Ninio's courage should note that at no point during his appearance did he applaud those who stood by their convictions as the basis for rejecting the jab and at significant cost for doing so.

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At some point during such debates what is likely to arise is the "crisis in epistemology": how do we know what we know and who/what sources do we trust? For people like myself, who came from the left-leaning, ABC-watching, Greens-supporting side of the culture war, this becomes a question of "when did I lose trust in my usual trusted sources, and what exactly precipitated this loss of trust?". Dr Daniel obviously still trusts sources of information which many now find completely untrustworthy. Perhaps the Dr Daniels of this world are best approached by asking them why they still trust their sources despite the evidence (which may need to be unpacked) for conflicts of interest, self-censorship, top-down directives, military involvement, regulatory capture, Wikipedia rewrites, etc

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Dr Daniel is no ‘courageous’ man at all, he was very arrogant. He denies all jab injuries and kept saying, ‘shit happens’ that to me is absolutely horrible. My child got pericarditis and other issues from her very 1st jab and it was confirmed by a cardiologist and reported to vaers by her GP. My son now has diabetes type one, he was fine before 2 coerced injections, just coincidence, maybe. There is an incredible amount of data out there to prove that injuries are happening worldwide. This interview is going to be one I can’t wait to watch.

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Kat, I would like to post your comment. I think everyone needs to see as much feedback as possible not just Cafe Locked Out. Of course I wouldn't post your name

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That’s fine and it’s very very true about people need to know. Just keep my name anonymous. That was such a fantastic interview with Dr Altman. I hope that Dr Dan will join him for a proper debate. Wonderful work you are doing Michael, I applaud you 🙏🏻👏👏

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