Thanks for that tribute Michael,

Life's too beautiful for some

Who think that life should be more glum

And overruled and more controlled

But love of life is brave and bold.

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My eyes are wet

My heart is open

What a good gift

Leunig a hearth for humanity

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In the end, despite being a national living treasure, Michael Leunig had managed to piss off everyone in Australia, except the antivaxers and homeschoolers, and even then, he'd pissed them off too, thanks to the allusions of his sister Mary (speaking for myself).

And yet, at death, a communicator I'd lived with all my living life, brought tears to my eyes, as I remembered and brought forward his very best work.

Brought into The Age to challenge orthodoxy, he was a free speaker, and he lived that consequence. Taking on the 95% safe & effective orthodoxy, and the childcare generation, were his biggest plays, because in his anti-war efforts over years he still had the large left with him.

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Beautifully written Michael, thank you!😔

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Thank you, dear Michael - that was extremely beautiful and so very apt! Yes, I think I hear the sound of a play or music theatre piece… he has always been the canary in the coal mine and, even though 100’s and perhaps more, wrote when he was cancelled for the tank drawing… we wrote but no MSM ever printed/published the same!

Shame on them!

We keep his name and incredible talent and clues alive!

God bless you and him

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Thankyou Michael. He is still a friend to our soul. Always was and always will be. Such a legacy.

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Probably died of a broken heart! Hadn't even heard that he died. Your words poignant and beautiful as always. Thank you.

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So eloquently written about an Australian legend and hero. Thanks Michael.

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Fairfax Nine Network controlled by the Lib/Nuts could be boycotted.

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I was not aware that he had died, so I went looking and found a short anecdotal piece on Michael Leunig on the following website - published today - title: “The Day Leunig’s Pen Ran Dry” -


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Lovely tribute, Michael. What a strange world when Michael Leunig’s life isn’t widely celebrated. What on earth has happened? I loved his work.

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Thank you for your glorious tribute to the irreplaceable Leunig

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