Cafe Locked Out Podcast
Why was the name of the virus first called Corona when it was first thrown at us & since when & why did they change the name to 'covid' (meaning 'Certificate of Vaccine ID) are they trying to tell us something???? wink, wink, nudge, nudge!
You may know this already but Corona adds up to 666!! C=3, O=15, R=18, O=15, N=14 and A=1 total:: 666. Evil monsters these megalomaniacs are!!
Thanks for letting me know as I wasn't aware of that Jules! Yes they are evil monsters!
Why was the name of the virus first called Corona when it was first thrown at us & since when & why did they change the name to 'covid' (meaning 'Certificate of Vaccine ID) are they trying to tell us something???? wink, wink, nudge, nudge!
You may know this already but Corona adds up to 666!! C=3, O=15, R=18, O=15, N=14 and A=1 total:: 666. Evil monsters these megalomaniacs are!!
Thanks for letting me know as I wasn't aware of that Jules! Yes they are evil monsters!