No judgement because these were desperate times. BUT we needed more people to say NO. I feel for his conscience.

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Thanks for publishing this Michael, and to Tom for being willing to speak to you and share.

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Thank you for the insight Michael.

Sad & to true

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If I knew about that scheme I would have paid gladly. I didn't take jab and now have to live like a lephar.

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That's a sad comment Tina. Why do you feel you "have to live like a leper"? I didn't take the jab, didn't wear masks, did what I wanted and have a nice life. I wish you the same. 😘.

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Thanks Jan for your empathetic reply. I had to resign job and former work colleagues were the main culprits. Also I fell out with my closest friend over vaxx issue. I'm OK though 🙂

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The bravery to dissent in the face of total peer pressure and the social ramifications are huge. Tom made exactly the right decision. I want to add my personal story. I have been involved in permaculture since I did a course in 1989 with Max Lindeggar. I have since that time felt we lived in a country that didn't care about future generations or really have a caring nature at all. All seem to support extraction and taking. Where is the national Apricot grafting competition? Why are the paths to the school yards not lined with fresh fruit? Why do so many houses face the south pole? We have never really tried to actively participate in the making of a better world so I stick with the Permies and manage my 10 acres in central victoria and watch on.

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Michael i appriciate your emails as usual however i need to point out that the jewish reference is incorrect and merley a fantasy. The anti vaccine movement originated in Hitlers germany as he has a very firm anti vaccine stance. therefore also any claims of evil medical experiments are also false. Tho the vaccine pushers and medical mafia do have jewish origins and they continued that tradition today.

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Consequences for your actions always follow but what holds weight in this equation is ‘intent’!

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A very interesting take to overcome the mandates. I see Tom as an entrepeneur, critical thinker, looking outside the box for answers and he found them. Thanks MGG for this story.

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A great piece Michael, thanks for writing it.

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