Michael this post should be sent to the CEO of Woolworths Australia… But like most large corporations they don’t give a sh##t….

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No one shop at Woolworths for a month - or - one week, Woolworths, next week, Coles and then back again until their accounting systems are in shreds.

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Shop at farmers markets, butchers, fruit barns, independent supermarkets, heck if you know a cleaner ask them if they will wholesale you product. Try using cash more often than not. 👍

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I now try to shop at as many small independent stores as I can, it is getting harder to find them and you have to travel, I only shop at Woolworths for the items I can not get any where else, it takes a bit of planning but worth it. trying hard to help the little shop owners to stay afloat.

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Gobsmacked.She can't work but can shop.Wtf.

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I've never been back to Woolworths or Coles since they mandated the vaccines for staff. Let's face it, not only do these companies screw the farmers, their junk products are terrible as well. At one stage Coles had huge infograph posters out the front stating that going digital and not using cash was good for your health as well. Imagine, an 'Australian' supermarket shilling for the globalists.

Shop local, shop independent - it doesn't cost that much extra, you'll eat better food, only buy what you need and when it becomes a habit, you'll know that this is a small but important step to bucking the system.

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Coles have done the same thing. And as of the 22nd of April 2022 there are no longer mandates for this in NSW.. but still Coles have said the double jabbed requirement will remain as part of their employment criteria

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There's an Aldi or IGA in most places that Woolies n Coles are.

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