Dear Michael again great words, interesting and truthful 8:32, as you know I have had an eclectic career, Combat Medic, Elite Military Trainer, ACT FIRE BRIGADE, TEACHER , etc etc.

I have zero respect for those who are still wearing uniforms, I don't care one jot for them, they put their debt/mortgages before their integrity and still do. Thousands dead and they dam well know it!

Their silence is Cowardice, the 8th deadly sin, but the cabal knew that debt would tether them by their tiny testicals.

Before the 80s getting a loan was only possible if you didn't really need one....They sold their souls for 30 pieces of silver, as did Judas.

I know in my days as a firefighter in the 80s, it was ONE OUT ALL OUT, I have nothing but contempt for them all, shooting, gassing and beating old folk.

Let's not mention the LRAD that burnt my face in Canberra, when the stormtrooper thugs marched through smashing and breaking up family possessions, laughing as they gassed peaceful Christians.

The Antipodian notions of mateship, fair go and ANZAC are all myths to hide their innate pusillanimity.

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Ahh Canberra - Inside my mouth was burnt and peeled but nothing on the outside - very odd.

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LONG RANGE AUDIO DEVICE......I was the clown in a military combat medic uniform, and was last to leave the assault at the library, I called them cowards, and said I've shit better troops than you lot, right up close, they wanted me!

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Lot of people in uniforms - I remember one guy up front in old style uniform I thought he said was his grandfathers - it was when that large 4WD went the wrong way and ended up right outside Parliament House.

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When Dante goes to the inferno, the cowards are the first to greet him at the gates of hell.

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Well said. They all deserve those words. God bless U for the service U performed under the correct path. Have U heard of Kevin Loughrey. U two would hit it off. He's on a path to get things done w/ Steve He needs ppl of integrity & wisdom to get onboard. https://www.australiansforbetter.com/

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And they wonder why recruitment is down.

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I’m f’ing angry and I can’t believe the v’ed aren’t angry - defeated and accepting their fate because the Govt hasn’t validated that the jabs are the cause of the excess heart issues and cancer. That’s the mantra I’m hearing - “you can’t prove that the jabs are responsible” or “what choice did we have”. I’m angry on their behalf but like the down trodden I’ve defended in the past, they cannot or won’t advocate for themselves. Saw an experiment recently that 67% of people are just following orders. Guess I’ve always been in the 33%. The people that paid to get an imaginary jab do not get my admiration - they are the ones that only stand for themselves. I think the saying is “throw you under the bus to save themselves”.

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Yes that’s it. In our leadership team workshop about 18 months ago, I dared question a policy and was absolutely hammered by the psychologist running the workshop because I challenged a very senior director. Not one person stood with me. I just shrugged it off - same ol same ol. Kept getting hammered for the next 2 days - wta! Anyway at the end of the workshop the psychologist whispers in my ear “you are one of the smartest people in the room” - yeah whatever pissoff. I know he wasn’t talking about intellect - the group was mostly civil engineers. Was that an experiment? Group composition - about 30 men and 5 women.

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The experiment involved fatal electrocution nearly 80 percent of people gave a fatal shock to a stranger screaming in another room, and most were happy to continue the pain to a certain point. That's what we are dealing with, a LORD OF THE FLIES ZEITGEIST, stay alert, its far from over ...UTRINQUE PARATUS....Sergeant Instructor APTC Rick Carey

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Yep that experiment freaked me out - so many people abrogated their responsibility to be a rational thinking human. They be good cannon fodder though.

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Somehow, we must all eeck out an existence in this place. We know from our recent experiences just how heartless our fellow humans can become. But hey, we learnt nothing we didn't already know from the history books: we just got to know it first hand.

There is no satisfaction for me to know that I got it right while just about everyone else around me was queuing up for their life-saving shots, but I am glad about one thing: I avoided a stack of unnecessary health issues that many others are experiencing and I'm glad for myself. Not in a smug way, but my life is of the half full variety, that's for sure.

I sometimes wonder if I'll still be around when the literal Great Silence befalls the world...

I think it will be a time of Great Sorrow.

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Strangely I have often pondered how lucky we were to avoid the deprivation of world wars and depressions of our parents and grandparents era. We haven’t - it’s here now - it just shape shifted. Just oppression in another form.

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You have the rights of it.

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Stay focused, Preparation and Planning, Prevents Piss Poor Performance, UTRINQUE PARATUS.

Be a prepper, buy only useful things, tools, weapons, dig in like a tick, grow your own food, get chooks, solar off grid systems are easy. This is not the end, nor is it the beginning of the end, it may be the end of the beginning.......Winston Churchill

Best wishes.....Sergeant Instructor APTC Rick Carey

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Solar ✔️off grid ✔️ vegies ✔️ jabbed ✖️job ✔️ unjabbed children ✔️ debt ✖️


I wrote a song about the killing


And a song about the compliant


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Well said thumbnail, I'm a writer also and I am fucking angry, they killed my precious son Harrison Carey, 💉 😢 massive hemorrhagic stroke, you take care

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Richard. As someone who knows the program as you do, you have my deepest of sympathies. I am very sorry for your loss.

In my opinion, we fight back by starving them out, at least contributing very little to their system and be as creative and crafty as we can. They have zombies AND robots but we have soul!

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Story of my life, I would not give this fucking cowardly system or nation the STEAM OFF MY SHIT......I practice this philosophy every hour of everyday, take what I can, give fuck all back, and smile as I do it.....UTRINQUE PARATUS

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We have solar + batteries (but, alas, off-grid I am not: looking for an electrician to convert me to off-grid), chooks, veggies, fruit trees in the garden.

We are very awake, still much more than so many who walk around oblivious all around us.

I'm not as forlorn as my first post may suggest, but I wouldn't say that I have it all figured out either. However, I am stubborn enough to dig in like a tick 👍

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Don't drop the grid entirely, just pay the connection fees, keep it as a back up in case of solar failure, in the event it all goes tits up you will be off grid anyway.

Have a bug out plan as a last resort, only use it if absolutely necessary. Remember you know home and all the area and folk, even your enemies.

Have a pre planned remote bug out spot, many of them, food cache, fuel cache, weapons cache, sounds extreme right? But BE UTRINQUE PARATUS,,,ready for anything......ps practice and rehearse your plans, no good just hoping...do it!

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I’m watching elderly people around me getting these dreadful “unexplained” rashes. One is so ill he is now in hospital with his entire epidermis completely inflamed, splitting and weeping. His immune system is f’ed. So many others suffering similar, boosted to the hilt by local doctors and pharmacists who are earning $800 a shot. Australia has turned into a country I’d never thought I’d see.

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Pusillanimity persists everywhere, stay strong

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Even our South Australia cardiologist friend Dr Daniel Ninio admitted to me in a Facebook debate last month that he had personally seen 23 cases of myocarditis; and in Sydney, cardiologist Dr Ross Walker in a June 2023 podcast disclosed that he had seen 100 cases. With more than 1,000 practising cardiologists in Australia…

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The other issue here is I went to a Victorian hospital with a vaccine injury on the advice of my gp. They did an ECG blood tests and PCR test. I’d been advised to get to a hospital ASAP based upon n similar tests and echocardiogram the day before. I drove myself to hospital, because of ambulance ramping. Despite having difficulty standing up I was told I was fine and discharged. It wasn’t till that got home I read the discharge notes and fond I had atrial fibrillation, yep I also drove myself home. No referral to a cardiologist. It took me another three weeks to see a private doctor and get the diagnosis of pericarditis. Because of health guidance from our corrupt officials I didn’t start treatment for nearly two months after the injury. People may remember that the drug companies were telling the world these symptoms would “go away” in1-2 months. It was standard protocol that n Victorian public hospitals to send people home without appropriate referrals. I made it home, some didn’t. That was linked to the compensation scheme, although it was very restrictive was dependent on spending at least one night in hospital. All I can say is it’s been a rough time since late September 21.

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I’m sorry to read of your ordeal, Julie. It’s beyond disgraceful how so many of the injection-injured have been treated. With physicians, potential loss of income and personal pride appear to be two major barriers in our seeking of justice.

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Some were very awake, there are interesting court cases going on around the country at the moment. One in Vic supreme court involved living a gp who was writing exemptions and struck off, raided by police patient files seized. The prosecution claimed they hadn’t taken the files then used info . Turns out they were acting on a memorandum of understanding from the health department- not legal. There are two in the high court contesting the gene modification. I’m sorry to hear about your situation.

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I was 69 at the time, I only got vaxxed because Dan and dreamy eyes were. saying if we were unvaxxed we wouldn’t be treated in a public hospital. As a type 2 genetically inherited diabetic, I felt I had to take the risk, I sat on the fence as long as I could.

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Their excuses for refusing to treat you unless injected are unlawful. A similar situation happened to me, when my ophthalmologists of 30 years refused to continue treating me unless I were double-jabbed - despite the fact that I’m going blind. (I never complied.) Now, the specialists who are awake are likely regretful, for themselves.

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Two things Julie,

AF atrial fibrillation is in epidemic numbers since the genotoxic poison, and the very specialized Cardiac cells in the hearts intrinsic electro-conductivity circuit that are responsible for rhythm PQRST on a 12 lead ECG rarely fully recover from inflammation.

They become super excitable and can drop into an arrhymia at any time. This can cause strokes and even lead to VF Ventricular Fibrillation, which is usually fatal, don't let them fob you off, keep on watching and pushing for an answer......Rick Carey former Combat Medic and lecturer in Human Anatomy and Physiology, Canberra Institute of Technology

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As an ex- nurse I’m fully aware of what you’re saying. My frustration is around the impact that n my life. I used to mow my own lawns , climb ladders prune shrubs, walk my dogs. I have rules around my life. If I can’t get my pulse below 100 reliably I do not go grocery shopping or leave the house . I’ve been trapped in my unit most of the last 3 years. I don’t bother to hate or be angry. They are emotions that eat up the person holding onto them. I checked in with my cardiologist yesterday- he’s happy with my progress so far. My exercise tolerance is improving, but he warned me not to push it. The other thing with AF is that unlike SVT or heart attack, aspirin does not prevent those clots. Because I have some micro vascular issues - doesn’t show up on regular blood screens. McCulloch recommends Nattokinase -a blood thinner, probably not a solution given my situation. By the way I did my training starting 1971 at the original Canberra hospital. I also respect your service. My cousin was killed in Vietnam and my family has a long history of in the military.

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Telling you about sucking eggs springs to my mind....sorry!

As for Military Service, I joined in 1970 and served all over the world, we have been betrayed by cowards, my son is dead after two, massive hemorrhagic stroke.

I think I will hold on to my anger a little while longer, you should have seen him, huge blue swollen face and neck and CSF flowing from his nostrils.

They bagged him up and chucked him onto the floor of a white van and drove off, barely enough time for me to say goodbye, no autopsy but, they said heart attack!!

I knew that was BS, especially when I mentioned it, they could not wait to get him away and cremate the evidence

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Yes, hold on to what has happened as long as you can for clarity of recall's sake, but for your own health you must control your anger else it will seek to control you (and it does eat you from within worse than cancer).

You'll do the memory of your son no favours by dying before your time from hate-related causes!

I'm sorry to hear about what happened to your son Richard.

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I have come to terms with my anger and will use it as a force for good, unless I am pressed I will be fine, but we are surrounded by mutants shedding God knows what, protogenious infections etc ?

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I totally understand your anger in that situation. Fortunately I survived the governments attempt on my life.

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Good strategy - I had an elderly friend who was very fit and healthy, then had a pacemaker fitted. She had a stroke, couldn’t walk or talk and was fed through the stomach for 4 years before passing. She was anti medication so didn’t take the blood thinners after her op, but she did take nattokinase. Would not wish that on anyone. Have they suggested fleccinade for the AF in lieu of ablation?

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At the moment I’m being controlled by medication.

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Where in Victoria, what shire are U in Julie? We're doing a lot grassroots in ColacOtway area.

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I’m in the Monash hospital group. People may not be aware, back in 1998 when Geoff Kennett was in power and created these large group of hospitals. Eastern Health , Monash health , western health etc the were turned into private limited companies. I only researched Monash. Over the years I have discovered what that means. In 2015 I was referred to breast clinic outpatients. I received a letter saying that was now a private public partnership, and shop I need breast scans biopsy, of blood work there would be out of pocket charges. I challenged our local mp at an election booth - one Gabriel Williams minister for health in the Andrews govt at the time. The response was they were forced to do it, because the previous federal government had been unable to get legislation to impose out of pocket costs on private radiology services in the community. The next heads up in 2017 I had a suspected TIA and was referred to a neurology service at Eastern Health. When they saw my address- gp in Eastern Health mine in Monash health they refused to see me because I was out of zone. We are being zoned like school regards health. It took seven months to be seen in Monash again private equity partnership. People believed to have suffered a TIA should be seen within 4weeks. He also privatised two regional hospitals. Latrobe Valley- handed back to the state after two years. The second was Mildura Base hospital run by Ramsey health - returned to public ownership at the end of 2022. I could say heaps more about Medicare waste etc. but I think that’s enough for people to digest.

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And ya know sudden kidney failure is 1,700x more prevalent than the heart issues?


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Do you know if you can be asymptomatic and have myocarditis and/or heart scaring?

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Very much so, in fact many probably are asymptomatic, also many are so sedentary they may not get the HR to a threshold were blocks or arrhythmia occurs, Cardiac or so irreplaceable and excitable, they can be a time bomb

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I'm w/ U Michael I have days of anger, sadness, apathy, even happiness. It's like we're going thru all the stages of grieving for what we've lost. But nobody w/ half a brain cells is engaging w/ the lies.

Unless ppl decide to storm the Bastille Canberra will remain ungodly. Unless God finds Australia a Trump we're stuck in this crazy vortex.

But I have high hopes that God has our backs that open lies, deceit & homicide will not be normalised.

Best ppl work together in their own shires & regions to stop mRNA gene tech, 5G & GMO. Get heavily involved in council & hospitals to disempower at grassroots.

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I have bad news Trump is not saving anyone- he can averted to Chabad Lubovitch Judaism in 2017. As for our government, we may elect them but they all work for the WEF, UN and totally committed to WHO.- look at all the pharma factories were building. I recently saw posts on Exposing the darkness, where the French are already vaccinating ducks and geese with bird flu and the Australian Agricultural department has issued paperwork to the effect that they will force all farmers to vaccinate cattle with MRNA. Even our food is no longer safe.

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Prepare, be ready....UTRINQUE PARATUS

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Re Trump Julie I get prophesy from another Julie - Julie Green ministries, the Chabad Judaism is a bit of a front. Also check into David Robert Steele. I don't know if he's still alive on account of what he knows. Here's a website w/ lots of Intel. https://stateofthenation.co/?p=81599

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That's not going to happen whilst the proletariat are brain numbed by frameshifted mRNA, prion disease and early onset dementia, stay focused they will come, even if one day we are proven correct........the mutants will hate us for that....UTRINQUE PARATUS, INARDUIS FIDELIS.......Sergeant Instructor APTC Rick Carey

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This makes me so angry when I hear things like this that just doesn't make sense! I'd say the majority of us unjabbed are fit and healthy. But the evil powers that be are psychopaths. They don't give a rats A about anyone else but their pockets!

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Well said

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Thanks Richard! How can we get people to listen? Whether J or Unj we MUST unite to stop these Globalists from dividing us and causing misery!

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Just look at the childhood vaccine schedule on my gov. In the US by the age 18 kids are mandated to have 78. Our kids schedules now means around 35 by age 5. Remember the no jab no play legislation- start homeschooling.

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Ooh Richard that is a horrible thing to have to cope with. My son took astrazenca! I cried for ages. He seems OK. I've been praying they were saline! He had 2!

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Look AZ is not MRNA, it is a viral vector vaccine, piggy backing the spike protein on a Chimpanzee virus, there for the production of the dangerous spike protein ceases early on. It is inflammatory to Cardiac tissue but if he has survived till now, he is probably in the clear. Were as mRNA actually triggers spike protein production in our cells, there is no proof it has an off switch. Additionally it can be subject to frameshifting and prion production, which is an extremely scary scenario, we may not know for 10 years. He sounds safe

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My son has said he has a slow heart rate and the Dr said he may have to have a pace maker. He's 41 so ive been wondering if the A has caused this?

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There is only ONE way the story ends (check my profile pic if you're not sure).

Unfortunately, it had to be this way because this is how evolution always worked…and likely always will.

It is heartbreaking but it’s the truth (and the Truth NEVER cares).


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An important report of real life occurrences happening around us.

It's common now,

But come the fuck on..

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Michael, I’m hopeful as more truth is exposed ( dribs and drabs are coining out now!) that maybe, just MAYBE the jabbed will get angry but NOT with us but the arseholes who FORCED them into it!

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And if you can't answer why (except that you hope it's soon), then ask this:


When it's too inconvenient for you to wait a little bit more.

But it's totally too late for "them"

The writing's on the wall

For all the death jabbed.

Many are gone with more certainly to go (oh, no!)

Yet be honest with yourself:

Is anyone keeping the score?

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They will get angry with us for being correct, its a LORD of the flies zeitgeist, and most humans are intrinsically selfish, Google Milgram Experiment

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Yes it's incomprehensible that a pregnant won't drink alcohol, smoke or eat soft cheeses yet as soon as the baby is born they jab it with toxic chemicals! FFS why?? I'm just flabbergasted.

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A rather sad and pessimistic article. It somewhat dampened the optimism I had been feeling today after achieving a minor victory. I had managed to persuade a young cashier at Starbucks to take off her mask and keep it off. She was easily persuaded because here in Japan there is no compulsion to wear masks, but many service workers continue to wear masks because they think some of their customers won't like it if they are bare faced. It is a sad day indeed when the well being and general happiness of the majority is curtailed by the appalling groupthink of idiotic people for whom most of us have zero respect.

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I'm angry, so angry that as a young teem mum I vaccinated my kids. I did what I was told,what my parents did to me. Now I beg my children not to do to my grandkids what we did. All but 1 of my 6 kids took it. And I fear they will give it to the grandkids.why? So they can go to the indoctrination centre and socialize with other kids. Same reason they gave them meds "or else" so the kids behave for the teachers. So my grandkids can live in a fog, not show their character. And now I wait and pray that the phonecall doesn't come that my child has cancer or worse. 3 of my sons already had to go to cardiologist since taking it. 19 grandkids, are they going to be orphans? God help us.

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Where's the anger? Must be the fluoride

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I originally had sympathy for everyone who was forced to take the jabs, but no longer. The majority of western bourgeoisie atheists of which Australia is full of are really Puritan Protestants who are wholly devoted to 'work' and will do anything to preserve their jobs as their life I meaningless without them. They are also devoted to the state, expertise and 'science', which is just the clergy/laiety distinction of the medieval Catholic church in secular drag which in Protestant countries left the Church and reemerged again in academic institutions.

The childhood and adult vaccination programs are just sacramental mutilation rituals for their state religion, so I guess we should practice religious toleration and let them harm themselves and their children. It's why it's so hard to convince them otherwise, in a very real sense it is unquestioned religious Dogma given down from on high.

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When I was studying 4th year medicine I remember very clearly the professor told us "Myocarditis is so rare most of you will never see one in your entire career". I remember this because my cheeky classmate immediately asked the professor "Does that mean we don't need to study this for the exam" and the professor just smiled. I bet I wasn't the only one who didn't pay any attention to it for the upcoming exam. Now fast forward 22 years later, I've lost count how many people I know who has myocarditis. Yet people seem to think this is normal. IT IS NOT NORMAL. To make things worse AHPRA doesn't allow us to talk about it.

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