People from all over the world are moving to Albania, which is the total opposite of what is happening there. Cash is king here, only supermarkets take cards and only if you spend over 10euros. You don't even need a card except to take your cash out of one of the hundreds of ATMs. The owners of my local shop doesn't even have a bank account, all cash only. The only country which uses 2 currencies. Lek and Euros. Americans are the majority moving here, all looking for a home with land to grow their own food, even though the vegetables in the shops come straight from the farm. Scandanavians, Polish, Czech, German, Dutch, Australians, Kiwis are arriving in large numbers to escape all the bullshit. Just in the last few weeks Brits are starting to inquire. During the pandemic it wasn't taken seriously, you could pay hospitals to not put the vax in your arm, but give you the paperwork. Vaccinated people are in the minority and in the International community they are looked down on. This was a communist country not so long ago and they don't want to return to it.
Her voice reflects her smile. Energy, joy and passion. I’d love to visit you someday Carolyn. I live in Vicdanistan and the thought of “up north” sounds fabulous. You’re an inspiration.
People from all over the world are moving to Albania, which is the total opposite of what is happening there. Cash is king here, only supermarkets take cards and only if you spend over 10euros. You don't even need a card except to take your cash out of one of the hundreds of ATMs. The owners of my local shop doesn't even have a bank account, all cash only. The only country which uses 2 currencies. Lek and Euros. Americans are the majority moving here, all looking for a home with land to grow their own food, even though the vegetables in the shops come straight from the farm. Scandanavians, Polish, Czech, German, Dutch, Australians, Kiwis are arriving in large numbers to escape all the bullshit. Just in the last few weeks Brits are starting to inquire. During the pandemic it wasn't taken seriously, you could pay hospitals to not put the vax in your arm, but give you the paperwork. Vaccinated people are in the minority and in the International community they are looked down on. This was a communist country not so long ago and they don't want to return to it.
What an amazing woman.
Her voice reflects her smile. Energy, joy and passion. I’d love to visit you someday Carolyn. I live in Vicdanistan and the thought of “up north” sounds fabulous. You’re an inspiration.