I was there for the aftermath of the abysmal Shrine shootings of innocent brave people. As you all ran for your dear lives I walked up to the Shrine with tears flooding down my cheeks. To my horror I saw bus loads of police getting out picnic tables and cracking open soft drinks, maybe even beers, I couldn't see through my anguished tears, laughing and cavorting like they've been on a successful hunting day. I watched as Dans best fan girl from Channel 10 did her reporting at the Shrine stairs... You know the one who Dan would smirk at during his daily, mightier than thou press conferences. Simpering at her in not so clandestine ways. I scowled at her with such disgust. The police thought it was great fun. I walked past them in their great hordes taking a wide berth so as not to be near them as being too close to their proximity made me physically recoil in anger, despair and pure hatred. Some of them watched me pass and tried to engage with me. I looked through them like they weren't there. I felt like that girl in a red coat in Schindler's List. I felt like I didn't know my home city anymore. It was the day my heart broke and never recovered. I shan't forget that day for as long as I live.

I've no sympathy for the cops, the ambos, the doctors and nurses who are STILL betraying us in such deep, disgusting ways. I'll never give up the cause that was thrust upon us. Never! I'll die with my boots on.

Jessica needs to be in the trenches for way longer. To me she's just fighting for her job. We're fighting for EVERYONE.

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Omg. She thinks that vaccines are safe.

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Bravo, Michael!

I'm very careful about avoiding gov't approved bioweapon jabs.

There has never been a "safe" so called vax. Jessica must be unaware the jabs she thinks are "safe" will all be combined with mRNA, if they haven't already been.

Do NOT comply!

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Jessica said herself this is not a big thing for her, she just wants her job back and she’s been through harder things PERSONALLY. Hence the smiles. She doesn’t care sorry.

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Great interview! The people will rise up

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*I watched this panel discussion on Rumble.

Jessica doesn't appear to realise exactly what it is she's up against. She doesn't quite seem to grasp the overall "gravity of the situation." She seems to think she's in the same world she was living in prior to 2020. She seems to think it was all just a matter of oversights, bad decisions and simple mistakes.

Her laughter, along with the somewhat patronising, if not outright "condescending" smirk on her face, seems to somehow suggest she views the others on the panel as being somewhat flippant and hysterical! Deluded even!

I think when you break it right down... the one primary/fundamental factor Jessica may be missing, is the simple and inescapable FACT"... that in actuality, we're dealing with a hegemonic MONSTER ... a ravenous satanic BLOOD BEAST of absolute CRIMINAL PERVERSITY! An unimaginably cruel and diabolical control mechanism of brobdingnagian proportions! Globally organised criminality on a scale never EVER before seen in the entire history of the modern world! She seems to be missing the fact that we're dealing with the orchestrated dictates of a worldwide lockstep tyranny of mind-bendingly gargantuan proportions! Other than that... yeah, well, she's pretty much on the right track.

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I'm with you Micheal we need to leave a better country for our kids. I'm 63 and have had a good life but my sons and grandson deserve freedom NOT corruption. JUST SAY NO!

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Really interesting... jess is clearly only early on her journey...

I was greeted by you Micheal into epic and I slept in my car beside you on the last night before the cops tramped across the field to push us out... was an awesome time and met awesome people. Have moved back to nz now for health family reasons...

But will never forget my time in canberra...helped me to see aussie wasnt as fucked as i had thought.

Apart from nearly getting caught in the floods on way home it was truely an epic time in my life. Keep up the great work.much love susan.

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Poor Jessica, still trusting our corrupt "system" but she's not on her own. Alleged smarter people than her still believing in inquires & Royal Commissions will fix the issues, won't happen.

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I wonder if the referendums voice, the word mother was also a test for them of if their time is right based on response to them ..

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Not only do I not trust the voting system but I truly believe politicians are all theatre and tbh all just play their role and don't really care who gets in . They play their part and get given their job for mates and whatever corrupt pay off . We need to drain the swamp completely. Sack the lot and start again

They care nought for us and do the bidding of unelected beaurocrats who either have something on the pollies, threaten then in some way or pay them off in some way ..

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Sadly we all want what's legal but just like family law court and digital ID bill . Parliament does a little bit of theatre and then sneaks legislation through over night to achieve their agenda. Our children will be left vulnerable for the taking.

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Would love to know how you weaned off antidepressants. I try to slowly over monthe go down but seem to fall in a heap of despair and feeling of doom.

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Oh gosh … that did just turned. Lol

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The reason people got sacked from their job was because they agreed to get the jab even if that was not their intent.

They agreed with their silence to the direction, or if they challenged the direction, they did so in a way which was meaningless.

What they needed to do was respond with a conditional acceptance which incorporated questions which they could not answer (not truthfully).

By agreeing to get the jab and then not complying, they breached the updated terms of their employment contract.

That is why people were sacked.

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The papal church will never relinquish her claim to infallibility. All that she has done in her persecution of those who reject her dogmas she holds to be right; and would she not repeat the same acts, should the opportunity be presented? Let the restraints now imposed by secular governments be removed and Rome be reinstated in her former power, and there would speedily be a revival of her tyranny and persecution. GC 564.2

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