PS I appreciate we are responsible for our perception, responses etc. I am sure Dr William Bay (suspended) is delighted to know many support him and hoping for his reinstatement. With his prominent role , comes RESPONSIBILITY .

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ts great that he is taking on the tyrannical oppressive corporations..No argument from anyone as far as I have read.

However the first announcement on Cafe LO stated the NO campaigners have WON!! I have SUCCESSFULLY SUED the HIGH COURT (or someone/something). ETC ETC....

The second announcement on Cafe LO with Michael and Paul.....Was a convoluted explanation, regarding what his action means.I suspect due to the backlash . Whilst there appears to be merit in what he has done, ( I am NO EXPERT) the follow up did in NO WAY SHAPE or form demonstrate an acknowledgement for the misleading and inflated statements made in the previous announcements OR demonstrate any remorse concern or acknowledgement for the disappointment felt by those who view any victory(NO campaign wins, SUCCESSFULLY SUED the HIGH COURT) as hope that things are changing. Those that support him and hang on his every word would have felt misled, some are hanging on by a thread.

A wise man would say" I recognise that my over zealous approach and statements would have lead people to believe that the whole Voice campaign is over. I am sincerely sorry for the misunderstanding and disappointment many would have felt because of my statements. I am asking that you trust me,

I hope that the following explanation will provide clarity regarding what my action means......."

Very simple and honourable thing to do....Who's perfect. I would have way more respect for this approach.

Arrogance and dismissiveness are not wholesome attributes as we have all witnessed and experienced from the oppressors in this country.πŸ’–πŸ¦‹

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