Here is the problem. ‘The Liberals are totally rooted’. That was the headline of an article in Spectator Australia magazine in August 2022. It sums up the situation. There is no viable political opposition to the parasites that Damn Andrews represents.

The Liberal Party that Robert Menzies founded in 1943 no longer exists. It is just a brand name on a now-empty room. The former Liberal Party has been taken over by a collective of careerists, seat-warmers, and LINOs. The call themselves ‘Moderates’ – which is a euphemism for politicians who have no values – invertebrates in human form, if you like. They do not represent the views and aspirations of ordinary Aussies. The fact is, the ‘Liberal’ Party is now controlled by opportunists – people of limited ability who are naïve enough to imagine that focus groups and fake public opinion polls are real. These ‘Moderates’ take their instructions from those that put them there – the investor lobbies that are pushing those things called ‘Renewables’ – which are the mechanisms imposed by legislative fiat to siphon the meagre wealth of ordinary Aussies and deposit it in the bank accounts of the wealthy. This is being politically justified by the nonsensical claim that Australians must be noble and save the planet by controlling the Earth’s temperature.

The ideological infiltration process to take over the old Liberal Party started back in the dying years of the Howard Government. It’s objective was to execute the takeover seamlessly, with a minimum of fuss. It was successful. Howard didn’t see it coming – he was of the post-War generation that was too trusting. It should have all become clear when Turnbull successfully executed his take-over bid - but most people missed it. The guy that followed Turnbull into the chair was just a political goose. He was out of his depth. That’s why the toxic injectables operation was so successful.

The only way the self-serving parasites who populate and now control all the Australian legislatures can be defeated politically is to have a well-organised, viable opposition party – an electable party – one controlled by people who are prepared to speak truth to power. Australia no longer has one – that is our problem.

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Democracy is the fairytale conjured up by the likes of The Round table society. The War of the Roses and Cromwell ushered in Democacy but didnt last.

Who controls the media and the banking controls everything.

They just divide opposition and assasinate real JFK figures. Politicians are compromised by sex, money, corruption then handled. See MKultra. Cathy O Brien, Alan Watt, Jon Rappaport.

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