Enjoyed your rant, Michael. What's going on in the world is not just sad. It's tragic! Your voice & your interviews have certainly buoyed me up along the way! Also, your courage - & the voices & courage of the people you interview. Belgian professor/psychotherapist/writer Mattias Desmet says we have to keep using our voices. Keep on speaking out. That that's what has always worked to defeat totalitarianism in the past. I sure hope Cafe Locked Out doesn't go under! from a Canadian fan & long-time listener/watcher.

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I really don't care too much for this "Freedom Movement" moniker so many choose to use as a self-descriptor of we dissidents. It pangs a lame sense of almost "begging" to these criminal mongrels who jointly conspire against us and our values.

No... forget about "Freedom Movement!" I strongly suggest we start referring to ourselves as the "TRUTH MOVEMENT!" Let us stand proud in our dissemination and upholding of truth!

We are NOT beggars for freedom! WE DON'T BEG FOR OUR FREEDOM! Not from this pond scum that thinks it can rule over us by decree!

We are already FREE! Free to stand up for TRUTH!

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