Thanks a good interview, my daughter and I are nurses who could never work in the system again. We have deregistered from the system but truly hope we can set up health hubs to provide care in the private.
Re flu shot….i recall watching a medical talk show whilst in Austria in early March 2020, topic: flu/Corona. 3-5 senior doctors on that show stated they had never taken flu shots because of proven low efficacy.
If this is why they do blatantly just imagine what they do behind the back of mothers with their newborns. My 2 year old granddaughter got nearly full at of teeth’s also she wasn’t able to feed properly and was fed through the tube. Baby’s mum got thrown out of the hospital i think 3 day after cesarean than the hospital told her she was neglecting her newborn baby because we lived too fat and save was in too much pain to go into the hospital the first 7 days!!! Baby born in 2022. Same time I’ve been seeing number off babies swing fed by tube. They are doing something to the babies.
Thanks a good interview, my daughter and I are nurses who could never work in the system again. We have deregistered from the system but truly hope we can set up health hubs to provide care in the private.
Re flu shot….i recall watching a medical talk show whilst in Austria in early March 2020, topic: flu/Corona. 3-5 senior doctors on that show stated they had never taken flu shots because of proven low efficacy.
Why would they?
If you are someone repeatedly raped by your partner, would you want to go back to them just because they promised to behave from now on?
I hope that both the health system and police in VIC collapse completely so that they can finally be rebuilt from scratch .
My RN daughter is doing agency nursing and is not and will not be injected 💫
Another great conversation, thank you for standing up for truth, love to all and good luck.
If this is why they do blatantly just imagine what they do behind the back of mothers with their newborns. My 2 year old granddaughter got nearly full at of teeth’s also she wasn’t able to feed properly and was fed through the tube. Baby’s mum got thrown out of the hospital i think 3 day after cesarean than the hospital told her she was neglecting her newborn baby because we lived too fat and save was in too much pain to go into the hospital the first 7 days!!! Baby born in 2022. Same time I’ve been seeing number off babies swing fed by tube. They are doing something to the babies.
Farmacists are becoming very popular these days 😊
Here's some more bs! Look up believe it
So many lies we have been fed drip fed.