The Aligned Council of Australia has, allegedly, over 1.8 million members, why isn't that large number of people 'on side' with the correct programme, being utilised to its full extent? Within that fraternity there MUST be some potential leaders who would commit to nominate as a candidate to oust the current Senator/MP within TARGETED electorates. The two party system is THE biggest problem within OUR country as ALL decisions these grubs make, that affect ALL Australian's, flows from that corrupt 'system.' This 'system' can be used against these tyrants & they most definitely are NOT smart enough to figure it out. Additionally, within this fraternity of freedom fighters, a 'fighting fund' campaign could/should be launched so as everyone who wishes to participate will have their own hard earned 'skin in the game'. No funding, no future. Too much talk, not enough do. I'm happy to elaborate but not here. Please contact me if you're fairdinkum interested.

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I made peace with my decision because of the non existent information to be fully informed- not tested long enough- it was an experiment!!! Additionally the exemption of a select few the government chose. I know I’m not alone & my personal story is both horrific & courageous because my soul is not for sale. I’m heartbroken 💔 for the thousands that trusted them & now no way back, my children & grandchildren & humanity is why I can’t give up! I won’t give up! 🙏💪💚🥰

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I’m actually perplexed people are happy to complain about higher prices food/petrol +++

Yet has no interest in being open to the information that’s presented to them for free😵‍💫🤦‍♀️

I’m exhausted by being told “that will never happen again & if it does I’ll fight it” - TOO LATE THEN! 🤷‍♀️

My feet, my fingers hurting from doing flyer drops, emails & phone calls. So politicians can make a huge error in judgement say sorry yet your over speed limit by 2, apologise & happy to cop a point loss but nooooo. Huge fine, plus multiple points & a bad bloody attitude to go with it. The disparity between the people & politicians, that the people pay for might I add, is sickening! 😵‍💫🤮

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Spraying skies

Frequencies being used as weapons!


Sold their souls for a few dollars more

Name your price? DONE!

Deceitful lying murderers.

That's the Truth..

Replacements everyday coming

Read the book.

Pamphlet that

Transhumanism 5G

Identity taken.

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I see people wake up then go back to sleep at the next wave of the psyop. Some freedom folk here in NZ now feel its best practice to look after ourselves. There is both PTSD and PTEnhancement in my life. Mostly the latter however. The PTSD is only actual if I were still her, which I am mostly not. Life is a new script in a new theatre being self devised by some extraordinary characters.

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It is not the Victorian public who want a statue to that a**ehole Daniel Andrews. It was the Parliament because he had been in office for a certain amount of days. No one I know is happy with a statue of that despot. I can only imagine all the angle grinders being sold in Bunnings ready for when it is put on display. I was certainly someone who attended protests in Melbourne during Covid and would do the same again in a heartbeat if I knew something wasn’t right. Love your podcast but please don’t think the people of Melbourne are a pushover

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Success is failure turned inside out.

Stand in truth.

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Stand in truth.

No wavering!

Can't take your soul.

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But God...


A defeated foe we are fighting.

Bandage coming again..

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We have no power elites know!

Godless country

That's why they coming hatder@

No heart

No soul

The Grit was our God.

We need to wake up as to why all.

Think about?

Pope Francis embassies paedophilia into lpqrs+×++× children sex offenders?

Come on

Awaken !

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Violated All have been.

Knowing or not knowing.

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Wish you all luck!

Bring God home.

True justice.

By gods laws!

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I hear all you missing the point we are nothing without!

GOD !!

We won't win any battle without him.

The balls!!

United under Almighty God.

It's taking all humanity away..

I mean honestly believe.

No God no people.

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Ignorance is bliss.

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Totally 100% dumped down.

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Who controls the banks can control the world at the flick of a switch. The Digital ID is here, so by removing cash as a permitted form of currency THEN whoever controls the CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) has absolute control. So there's only ONE WAY out of this mess and none of you have mentioned it. This is a SPIRITUAL BATTLE. EVIL vs GOOD. So who do we appeal to?????? Got it yet???

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