In the light of Pfizer’s deliberate attempt to seal the malfeasant records of their trial and AstraZeneca’s worldwide withdrawal from the market - IT IS TIME TO GIVE THESE DOCTORS A GOLD MEDAL and FIRE AND CHARGE ALL OUR PUBLIC HEALTH PEOPLE SUCH AS KERRY CHANT GREG HUNT NICOLA SPURRIER ETC ETC ETC!!!

Enough is enough how much more lethal proof do these miscreants want????

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Why are they not in jail?

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In the light of Pfizer’s deliberate attempt to seal the malfeasant records of their trial and Astrazenea’s worldwide withdrawal from the market - IT IS TIME TO GIVE THESE DOCTORS A GOLD MEDAL and FIRE AND CHARGE ALL OUR PUBLIC HEALTH PEOPLE SUCH AS KERRY CHANT GREG HUNT NICOLA SPURRIER ETC ETC ETC!!!

Enough is enough how much more lethal proof do these bloody miscreants want????

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May 11·edited May 11

These great docs may not be able to / or want to work in the sickness industry call "health care", BUT they could become "health coaches" or "wellness coaches"!!! What do you think?

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I'm sure they will be able to find employment that suits their skills....even if they have to join charities like Mercy Ships, or RFDS or being a ships doctor or the like. But I do like your suggestions Mary....they are great.

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Looking forward to hearing them on Sunday. Thanks Michael GG!!!

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It I’ll soon be common knowledge that there was never a legal pandemic. So the ones breaking the law were those who said and enforced an illegal pandemic. Then Australian Constitution can only be changed by referendum which has never happened. Within the legitimate constitution it specifies no Australian can be required to accept any medical procedure they don’t approve.

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That would be the government of the day and ALL state governments of the day AS WELL. It was THEY who pushed this and not one of them had a real vex jab either...because they were all exempt.

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I never understood why so many people allowed themselves to get suck in to all this crap. It started as convid, as a tester for their fear tactics, when the World Effluent Fund did a test run with the toilet paper. They sent out their spies to start a tsunami of 'begos' to go out and say that toilet paper was racing off shop shelves. So what did ppl do, they raced in to get as much as they could. That was the tester to see how stupid people really were. Then they brought out the vex and the edjyets lined up for it not even bothering to ask what was in it. How stupid can people get?

I ask you, if the government had put out that you MUST cut off your little finger in order to stave off the convid, would those same people have also lined up for that too? I seriously doubt it! They'd have said straight up ...Get real!....or would they?

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In order to do that we have to exit the WHO

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There was a special report on Sky Australia recently about our AMA RACGP and AHPRA adopting the world medical association rules. It’s a 27 page document - to replace the Hippocratic oath. Twenty seven pages of woke drivel, with the patient not being the centre or focus of treatment. It would be worth someone tracking down that report, I’m IT challenged. Bottom line further erosion of patient and doctors rights.

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Yes I’ve noted the date, but I’m note sure whether it’s the same document. There are also other issues- during the pandemic I watched a podcast with Maria Zee, and a QLD medico. Apparently the government under COVID restrictions were adding clauses and changing details in the Australian Medical regulations. These regulations apply in all states and were being altered quite secretively. She post all her Australian stuff on her Telegram site.

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I applauded the stance of these doctors and others like them and their dedication to the Hippocratic oath, which is all about the patient, their wellbeing and the honesty of the practitioner. Thank you, brave hearts. Bless you and thank you.

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They are real heroes!

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