Its Time we have a great change in Australia 🇦🇺 for this beautiful country and people in it. XI say kick the abusers out for good.

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there has been no valid elections Federal or State since Federation.

plenty of information on all of this on (Whyalla Political Notice Board) Face book

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Rod is actually a good politician, he NEVER answers the question he gets asked.

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The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia was changed with the authority granted by the people in the 1928 Referendum.

The question put was that Parliament required the authority to act to deal with the Financial Emergencies of those times.

That Parliament had to get authority from the people because the original Constitution did not grant the Parliament that power demonstrates how water tight the original Constitution was.

Parliament and Government then betrayed the people by creating a legal jurisdiction which was novel, when Parliament had the capacity to use the Parliamentary Commonwealth Bank to deal with any financial emergency as it did with the WWI debt (read the booklet "The Story of the Commonwealth Bank" by J. Amos).

In the legal jurisdiction, only legal fictions can be seen (think Birth Certificates, persons, Driver's Licence etc).

In the legal jurisdiction equitable substance and substantive rights are not acknowledged.

Now you know why original land titles are being destroyed, and Certificates of Title supposedly for land are merely titles to Titles for the use of land.

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And that it is. 2 mayor parties following the same rule the one above them from the works economic forum wolves.

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