Of course windmills are a fraud: a cradle-to-tomb analysis proves they consume more energy than they generate in their short life-time.

All the war-on-carbon agenda is anti-scientific!

Changing the climate through satellites and huge radar weather stations:



Best scientific sources to debunk carbon climate action:


Killing me softly with green songs:


Carbon reparations:


Climate deaths:


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Dear Prof Fred

Would you be up for coming on the show to have a conversation about this?


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Sure! Write to ScientificProgress @substack.com

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“Her claim was that the windmills, now dotting our country, were basically a useless fraud.”

Of course they are a useless fraud – the whole ‘Climate Emergency’ juggernaut is a useless fraud - and always has been. Anyone who has honestly examined the so-called $cien¢e can see that. For the last 30 years, people in Western societies have been subjected to a non-stop fear campaign emanating from a number of ideological movements that have the objective of collapsing the economic basis of our energy-intensive civilisation. The political cabal that runs the PRC must laugh themselves silly whenever they make a toast to Westerner stupidity every time they have a banquet.

Our most pressing problem in Australia is that the invertebrate castrati political representatives that inhabit our parliaments and bureaucracies are either scientifically illiterate - as well as astonishingly gullible - or that these venal individuals are themselves cashing in on the fraudulent ‘Renewables’ gravy train in a big way by syphoning the meagre wealth of the growing army of Aussie mums & dads who live on Struggle Street, and then transfers it to the back pockets of the ‘Renewables’ fraudsters. Both main political parties in Australia are badly contaminated by this.

And then there is the matter of their handmaiden facilitators - the congenital liars who populate much of the corporate media...

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