Thats why I had 10 big old almagam fillings replaced with zero anesethic. Citanest is one of the worst. Sepadont in Australia. I used to have that in the past due to not having the adrenaline one due to a mild heart arythemia. I told the dentist about the hydrogel and graphene oxide etc. He said send the information to his staff. I did and when I saw him next he said there is only so many hours in a day. It's only temporary and eventually may require crowns. These cannot be done without anesethic. Also I have Bowen's disease and got away with chemotherapy cream instead of the local,which is dental anesethic for removal of these bcc scc. So a pickle for me. Im an ex orthodontic and dental nurse which gives me knowledge. Eventually this jab is going to come up again. This concerns everyone on the planet going to the dentist daily. Although I did have a bcc removal 2019 with dental anaesthetic before I knew about this that we are learning now. All of us have contaminated blood now according to Dr mihalcea, Dr Nixon and Dr Carl and many more around the world . We are contaminated via water,food,chemtrails, medications,dental anaesthetic, pesticides etc etc. EMF radiation and many other environmental factors. We are living in a toxic soup.

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Silvia is a naturopath from Sweden and has confirmed my findings via dark field microscopy.

Lucky I've the knowing hey. 🧙‍♂️


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Here you go. You need to do proper chelation, once you reverse the synthetic tissues that are growing inside of you, by using light therapy. You'll just urinate it out.

Don't worry I got rid of them after I was targeted before I wrote my submission to the royal commission on ADF suicides. I had 3 foot one in my leg, 2 inch one in the crook of my right arm and one in the left venous vasculature of my brain.


Here's the laser it's expensive, it's been treated via quantum entanglement, healing laser.


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