Rohana, I wonder if you've ever looked to natural therapies for dementia?

I totally avoid mainstream medical treatments for anything. I sometimes seek a diagnosis and even when prescribed drugs or therapies I always deep dive on both these AND also look for natural alternatives.


Now I have been taking iodine in high doses (way above the RDI of about 185µg). I also take borax. Now borax is available in the supermarket cleaning aisle for less than $5. It says on the label that it's poison. This is total BS. Also I'll mention here that Germany - one of the most WOKE countries in the world - banned borax decades ago. What does this suggest? Now for decades I had thought it was a MANUFACTURED cleaning product. How wrong I was - it is a NATURALLY OCCURRING MINERAL - just as iodine is!!

There are several sites that give instructions to make up solutions of borax, but I can’t be bothered doing that, I simply dip my little finger in a tub of borax and wash it down with either water or tea in the morning (I avoid taking it late in the day as it can keep you awake). So the value of Borax as a medicine has been subject to many attempts at "cancellation" ie being buried. "They" don't want you to know about it!!! NOTE ALSO that the RMIT fact-checkers have been shut down: https://www.rebelnews.com/we_stood_up_to_meta_s_fake_fact_checkers_and_won - RMIT has an article condemning the use of borax for medicinal purposes, but they have been paid up till now for this so-called "fact-checking" - all a big fat lie!!

Here's an article on borax for brain support: https://www.earthclinic.com/borax-mental-clarity-treatment.html I can attest to experiencing sharpened mental acuity after beginning borax for my osteoporosis. This one lists a number of health benefits of borax: https://weclinic.in/blog/borax-uses one of which is the resolution of epilepsy (a brain issue).


Now I have been taking 2 x 12.5mg Iodoral tablets per day for about 13+ years. Mainstream medicine teaches doctors that only the thyroid needs iodine. This is also BS. EVERY CELL IN YOLUR BODY NEEDS IODINE. And several organs attempt to concentrate provided the body gets enough of it. The breast and prostate are probably the biggest consumers of iodine but the BRAIN also needs it. Iodine has MANY FUNCTIONS. It works as a detox agent, it is anti-viral, anti-biotic and anti-fungal. Let me tell you this: Our TGA here in Australia ordered the BETADINE company to REMOVE THE WORD ANTI-VIRAL from ALL its labels!!! I emailed Betadine to ask why it was removed. Unfortunately I was on the hop when they PHONED me to tell me that this is what happened. Caught on the fly I didn't question the spokesperson any further. BUT YOU CAN GUESS WHY!!!! They didn't want people to be cured of covid - did they!!! Because they needed the excuse to get you to take their jab which they called a v@xxine!!! Now please stay with me!!!! Iodine when taken in doses between 25 - 100 mg are not only absolutely safe but in many cases essential to counter the effects of fluoride and chloride in the water as these 2 elements are above iodine in the periodic table and therefore displace iodine from the cells as they grab the iodine receptors. To fight back you absolutely need iodine in HIGH doses!!!

Both iodine AND borax also work as detox agents. Some dementias are caused by aluminium in the brain and other dementias are caused by other toxins in the brain. Either way you need to detox the brain!

To support iodine you also need about 150- 200µg of selenium so iodine can get its jobs done. Iodine is also best taken early in the day as like borax it can keep you awake.

PLEASE GIVE THESE TWO MINERALS YOUR SERIOUS CONSIDERATION - try it on yourself first and explore the internet for info on them if you have any doubts to their safety!!! WARNING DO NOT USE google.com.au as google cancels sites that have genuinely effective natural cures!!!!! I use duckduckgo.com or qwant.com - but as with every good naturally occurring mineral nutrients there are the mainstream naysayers who condemn these two fabulous minerals as these entities profits are threatened or they are funded by big pharma whose profits are eroded when their sales go down. THEY DO NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW THE TRUTH FOR A REASON!!! (But you should already know this after watching and reading cafe locked out!!!

Also just for educational purposes people SHOULD know the HISTORY OF ALLOPATHIC medicine!!! Here is one of the best summaries of this history: https://corbettreport.com/rockefeller-medicine-video/ it should be compulsory viewing for everyone who plans to consult a mainstream MD!! (I know - they're not ALL bad...)

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Further to my post above, I should add that some people think they are allergic to iodine. The truth is they cannot live without it. So in most cases it is clear that they are suffering detox symptoms - when there is a sudden release of toxins into the bloodstream this itself can cause unpleasant symptoms as the body's other organs are rushing to deal with the toxins now being circulated (eg nausea, loose bowels etc). In these cases the dose of iodine should be cut immediately. When symptoms have settled iodine can be restarted at lower levels even staggered to every second day and gradually increased to 12.5mg per day and further. Slowing down the release into the bloodstream enables the liver and kidneys to purge them gradually out of the body.

I was fortunate as I was ill before I started taking it and was gradually healed of far more than what I had taken it for!!! I was relieved of fibromyalgia, my sleep improved dramatically, my cardiovascular fitness soared One fabulous apparent "side effect" was that I was completely healed of FBD (fibrocystic breast disease) and to this day it has not returned - but I have never cut iodine out and have no intention to do so!

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So cruel, lost my brother and mother and grandmother

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