Trust your intuition if you are not too screwed up from your own upbringing and damaged parents. Don't trust "the system". Ever. As for being 'expected' to trust doctors and health professionals JUST STOP IT. Question everything. Do not assume your Doctor is God. You are the employer, so sack them if you do not like them or if their bedside manner is poor. Advice from a specialist mental health nurse of over 36 years. Take it or leave it.

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This comment really triggered me "How do you trust a system when you now know so much". Rant here...

Answer. You don't. Once you know what you know, you never trust anything produced by "the system" controlled by the Government, ever again. Period. Especially if you worked in the sickness industry your entire life. There is NO MIDDLE GROUND. Eventually, you get to the point as I have, where you know too much, and you know it is no longer worth your time and energy giving them any benefit of the doubt or any plausible deniability. You simply know the Government is corrupt to the core, controlled by the Global puppet masters, and there is no redemption possible. What we need are gallows. Look, Wikihow provides instructions - https://www.wikihow.com/Build-a-Gallows . Fancy that. Unfortunately everyone seems to think that THEIR 'justice system' is going to bring 'Justice'. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. FFS WTFU. Even more pathetic is that people think TALKING and NEGOTIATING with Psychopaths is going to make an Iota of a difference. FFS. All negotiation is submission to Psychopaths and Megalomaniacs. Unfortunately our military and the US DoD are in bed with each other, many wearing dresses etc., and brainwashed up to their arses, so effectively they are entirely castrated. Even dear Ricardo is far too distracted from the ongoing chemical 'bioweapon' rollout and not familiar enough with the actual ongoing global democide that no one has yet been held accountable for, and speculates about far too much making him a target of the deep state controlled op. I really think this is in order for Dan and his ilk - https://www.boggoroadgaol.com.au/2018/06/flog.html . Meanwhile if you have not yet read Chapter 15 of Behold a Pale Horse by Bill Cooper, then FFS please read I am begging you all, because it IS the entire playbook https://t.me/PaleHorse_InHonourOfBillCooper/4 OR https://t.me/PaleHorse_InHonourOfBillCooper/15 . And as you read it you will see the entire control of the MSM and newspapers, and the entire basis for social media. They do not give a fk about how much we gas bag about doing something on social media. For them, it is a distraction as in a lot of hot air and no real co-ordinated action of any threat to them. This is their entire goal of providing social media. And good 'ol Aussie beer culture, this is what they have to day:- "Behold the alcoholised animals, bemused with drink, the right to an immoderate use of which comes along with freedom. It is not for us and ours to walk that road. The peoples of the goyim are bemused with alcoholic liquors; their youth has grown stupid on classicism and from early immorality, into which it has been uneducated by our special agents - by tutors, lackeys....."..........."Therefore, it is not so much by the means themselves as by the doctrine of severity that we shall triumph AND BRING ALL GOVERNMENTS INTO SUBJUGATION TO OUR SUPER-GOVERNMENT."

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