Great conversation. It was lovely seeing you all. Although we think things are dire at home in Australia, it is very much worse here in the UK!

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Lots of fun this discussion.

Thank you 🙏

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"Think of your kids, your grandkids " sits with me as the reason i speak truth.

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I know a a male nurse who nearly died of covid after many jabs boosters etc and said same about thank God I had the jab or it would have been worse.

I also went to Freedom ralley in canberra, stayed a few nights with freinds who were unvaccined while i had had two astrazenca due to personal reasons i felt forced at the time. Every one i was with at ralley was not jabbed and didn't get or have covid . Jabbed me got covid and was laid up for a week. Go figure . Never again .

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Kerry Chant 😆 tell it how it is Michael 😆

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I agree you can not discuss Trump . You are right . My son is a left woke young man and he gets so upset if I share a positive change Trump has made and says he will disown me however tbh he was the same with Pauline Hanson. Brainwashed by the university that taught him she is racist, so much so they won't even listen to what they are saying to see if what they have been told is true.

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What has been troubling over these years for me is realising that 99.9% of my friends and family have their minds changed forever from the jabs and I wonder what was our relationship ever based on ?

Was I that shallow ?

I try to work it out in my head and think maybe they were always like that unable to see the obvious - if so I didn’t notice it and we have been friends for many many years some 60 years - but now there is this gap that can not be breached - and the fact they are not as healthy as they could be but with way no way to understand why and they don’t want to know - only one has asked for help she knows she has the injury despite what the drs say - mostly everyone falls silent if I say the obvious - just like the government bureaucrats stony wall silence - it’s mind boggling

Then at times I will say the obvious ( not that I see old friends and family much at all these days ) they seem to keep away from me and I think can I be with them and say nothing ? I feel like I would betray my own integrity to do that - if I do say something then I feel compassion for them and also a loathing and disrespect towards them at their weaknesses - as well as their blatant ignorance combined with their absolute lack of empathy for others and their desire to keep consuming life - it is just so ugly - I try to keep my heart open - think of things about these people that I love - but there is this huge chasm between us !

That’s incredible that Moderna called to ask some questions !!

You guys are the heroes - the unsung heroes of this era

“Shame wrapped in silence”

S should

H have

A already

M mastered

E everything

Thank you ❤️🙏

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There is a meme that says

I can tell by the way your talking you have had the jabs

I am always looking for what’s the cause and why people can only do the ad hominem around Trump - unable to discuss the content at all - they can’t seem to help themselves

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Much enjoyed the conversation! The song at the start was awesome - gave me shivers. I loved hearing about the activism of your guests. Brave men! I spent many years doing environmental activism - it was mostly women doing the work at that time. In the Covid era I've observed a real rise in male heroes - a delight to see! Michael - that Forest of the Fallen anecdote you told near the end was so poignant. And heartbreaking.

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Understand feminist lobbyist have become very powerful. Think of the feminists Clementine Ford who during covid spoke on social.media saying " covid is not killing men fast enough" we as a group called her out and she briefly lost a grant and yet when it all died down she got given other keg ups to spew her hatred . My own son thought it was a joke from her and yet would not accept a man saying same about women ..it's so sad this generation has been indoctrinated into a narrative that white male need to pay for past sins of all men . My memory of the older generation of men was respect kindness and hardwork . Bad men who treated women less than equal(but different) were very few . If men were so bad back then how did they stand back and allow women to become so powerful at the expense of men and boys.

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I believe men have been demonised by politicians and media for around 40 years now . A false feminist narrative that allows perjury in family court and with dv , sexual assault etc. Boys are targeted in bully campaigns etc so men learn to sit down and shut up so feminist media and pollies don't attack them . Yes Michael you are right Talk2 me bro is a group who does breathwork and ice baths for men duevto male suicide and they could not just do men as women had to get involved. There are little to no welfare shelters for men and their children and when we started one up near Canberra the feminists found out and attacked the guy for not having g women.. feminists wish to destroy men .

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