I went to school with the victims of thalidomide, I remember it well, a tragedy for millions worldwide, they covered that up for decades and still it's not widely known.

If ever an organization could be in league with Satan it's big pharma, and it's subsidiary legions in the medical industrial complex. I try to avoid any contact with them at any level, paramedics, nurses, GPs, specialists, hospitals etc, if they are still employed and wear a uniform, they have taken the 30 pieces of silver, and their mortgage is more important than the lives of innocents.

I remain profoundly disappointed in the EMS staff, in my day we had solidarity " one out all out " we backed each other, not today, they are self centered scabs and traitors

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Yes me too

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Some, coming in now to work in the hospital system, could also be the vaccine-believing ignorant.

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That actually reinforces my position, avoid the mRNA frameshifted mutants, they are all probably shedding protogenious infections

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In this you are likely correct!

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This is good news - it would be better if ALL independents joined one almighty party to make big impact and get maximum votes - Rodney Cullerton is great - but on his own - we just lose votes - my wish is for them all to join together !

From the X.com post:

"We are thrilled to announce that, as part of the Australia First Alliance, the NSW Libertarian Party will be running a joint Senate ticket in New South Wales alongside the HEART Party and Gerard Rennick People First.

For years, members of the broader freedom movement have called for greater cooperation between like-minded parties, and we’ve listened.

While all three parties will retain their individual identities and the ability to field lower house candidates, we are uniting under a single Senate ticket with the following order:

1. Craig Kelly (Libertarian)

2. Michael O'Neill (HEART)

3. Gerard Rennick People First candidate

4. Libertarian candidate

5. HEART candidate"

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And Tetracycline staining of children’s teeth from the penicillin given for bronchitis in the early 70s😏( me included)

There is a worldwide class action.

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Christian Science,

started by Mary Baker Eddy.

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This is certainly a crime, just like COVID but much more visible.

These episodes of human experimentation must never be forgotten!

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