Having immigrated from Switzerland at the age of 64 to be just a Grandmother to my Australian grand children I have learned a lot about the (big !) differences in mindset and education between our two countries. Fortunately I was (and still am) able to fill in a good part of what I have seen as an empty space in the Australian system. Does it have to do with the "Nanny state", who doesn't trust the parents to do the right thing (p.ex. telling them by law ? to hold your child by the hand until 11 years old when crossing the road) ? or overreacting now , after having seen the ravages smartphones are doing to children, with a call to ban them until age 17, but allow them to drive a car with 16 (also just an example)? Our girls learnt early to take responsibility, because they were free to make their experiences in nature, with animals, playing outside , with our animals (cats, dogs, even a pair of jungle pythons)

One of their parents was always at home for them, and if not, I was there. They learned from all three of us different things, but most important of all: thinking for themselves - and being proud of their mixed heritage.

I suspect the Australian system of education has failed the people for a long time, but for some exceptional teachers like the one two of our girls had in primary school.

So thank you Stuart for your dedication and also your courage to speak out. We are not jabbed.

I'm over 80 now, and I think this is the most important thing I did in my life, to come here to be a grandmother and open the door to a different culture for my precious grand children.

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Headline should be "...a Rare Principal..."

Added to my play list.

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That interview was top notch. Thank you for it. Inspired me to lift my game and at the very least make the most of the time remaining rather than bemoan the fate in store for us.

I’d love to have a video of the signs of the Walk of Shame.

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The demographic chart I was referring is probably one of the most important of our time https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Historical-and-projected-population-trends-in-Sub-Saharan-Africa-Europe-and-Asia_fig1_328600158

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It's so refreshing to hear someone speak out for truth & principles. Our children & grandchildren's existence is in jeopardy & at risk of extinction. If people like Stuart don't stand up, our species will be history. Thank you Stuart Chapman & Michael for your courage & goodness & bringing this to us❤️

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