What happened to " I may not agree with what you are saying, but I will defend to the death, your right to say it" ? Australia is lost, political pusillanimity and weakness have us wandering hopeless a dystopian wilderness.

I once defended this former proud nation for two decades, NEVER AGAIN! Will I place myself in the 'funnel of death' for such a weak and sad regime. Never since the late 1920s till 1945 has such evil prevailed.

One wonders if these strict anti hate laws can be applied to those that recently chose not to have the jabs, for they were, and still are hated, attacked, defiled and lockout out of society, such hypocrisy is evidence of just how low we are prepared to stoop.

There's no HATE here, just pity, the type of pity that used to be reserved for those with severe intellectual disabilities, because that's what we have become, not hateful but a lamentable gathering of apathetic zombies poisoned in Mind, Body and Spirit, MENS SANA INCORPORE SANO, INARDUIS FIDELIS........SERGEANT INSTRUCTOR RICK CAREY, Army Physical Training Corps/Royal Army Medical Corps 1970 to 1990

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Amazing lawyer.




What a breathe of fresh Air.

Blessing to All who stand for Truth.

A mighty fight that has failed so many times.

We are here again.

To much to turn a blind eye.

It's the point of all.

With gods grace we win.

Won't back down.

Truth is hard.

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Thank you Michael and Peter, 2 insightful and inspirational men in the times we’re living through.

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It's truth that sets us free

This goes on till we stand up.

My family taken off islands taken by ships carted around Australia children 5 - 11 yr olds dumped put into depots

Children homes ?

Lost all family

Conveniently fires burnt all records???

Tracing tracking WHO??

Scarred scared

Evidence of crimes hidden or destroyed.

Some lucky find traces.

Deceit covering all.

No accountability what so ever .


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Really love this interview. I love the authentic quality that flowed between you both. I get very fulfilled when words of law meet the aspects of the shadow and light. As within, so without.

I feel everything that we observe in the world is a mere reflection of our inner state of being. When we view the shadows of the world, it may be an invitation to bring light to ourselves so that the world too can transform.

This “spiritual war” we are in is all within to deal with. It’s like the outer is like a playbook setting in a holographic relationship.

Michael, I have listened to a thousand interviews it seems and I sense a big letting go, a beautiful presence and openness that is forming within you. Like a peace that is procured from 10,000 hours of listening to those you empower to bring a voice and make real what is happening.

The absence of anger you often experience in people is perhaps the shock and trauma people are in. Disbelief. I had my awakening to a world I could not process in 2020. I was dipped in ice water with shocking revelations of the depravity that was unveiled. I wondered down to a friend’s place, ignoring any thought of lock down as my soul could not and would not be locked down and was held in my rawness with their love.

Our society has much shame to process too. I think we need the tears first before the anger. Hate to think of the suffering.


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The bones of the black man! The bones of the soldiers! The bones of the persecuted! The bones of the downtrodden! Doesn't the bones unite us. My grandfather came on a ship from Wales by himself at the age of 15. Married my grandmother, both of whom I never met because my father was orphaned at 9. My father was killed when I was 8. Where's my bloodline? Do we NEED a heritage? Do we need to have someone acknowledge one's history or are we really saying, someone needs to take ownership of the inflicted history? Sorry, I don't own anything to take ownership for anyone.

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A pennal colony was the start of Australia's immigration. British soldiers invaded and more or less killed or subdued the natives....The fact that they called underage hungry (under ten) criminals because they stole rolls, a piece of bread, or caught a rabbit ( called poaching- only allowed if you had a title, not if you suffered from hunger). These children were transported to the colony, stolen from tbeir families. I wonder what the motivation was? POPULATE THE CONTINENT (taring families to pieces!!!!) You can tranport more children than adults if you compare. As a child I was shocked. That is what I remember from a history lesson. REGARDS FROM GERMANY.

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