You’re right Michael. We do need a new version of God. I personally believe the original version Jesus taught before the authorities sabotaged it was the best. It’s as old as time, but it will seem new because we’ve been indoctrinated into the BS version of it for nearly 2000 years.
Thank you Michael. After extreme loss, I went within, silently and alone. Not in a prison cell or a hospital ward, but in my own bed on weekends
An sometimes on a week
Day. I still had to earn money to survive; I couldn’t give up completely. I had to deal
With my losses without seeking comfort from others: I knew I had their compassion and love. What I found was the warrior God within. The absolute essential of gratitude and the light of the strength of the fearless God within us. God dwells in each and everyone one of us; we were made in his image. We must honour our God within and feel strangely and unquestionably and even beatifically,
Empowered. We become one with our source, our light, our being.
I have once witnessed a woman undergoing a true meditative state whilst she was speaking to, and doing for, others. I was concerned about her as I didn’t understand that this was happening to her, and her eyes were looking but didn’t seem to be seeing. I spoke with her afterwards and asked her if she was OK. I said I felt like she had gone into the heavens. She said that is where she was. This was in January 2020. I was doing a weekend workshop on the 4 faces of women at the Brahma Kumaris Retreat in Frankston Sth.
We must learn to fly high. To tap into our core essence of being, and to reconnect with God and one another more easily via our energies.
Thanks for the opportunity to write to you Michael.
Yes, Michael, you ask the most important question of our time. Looking back on my life (I'll be 81 in a few months) I can see that I did that for many years, because I thought, I needed someone who knew more about God, about religion, than me. Being protestant, I converted to being catholic because of the "buon Papa" John XXIII, who wanted to reconcile the Churches, but died after being Pope only for 5 years. I met many priests who also wanted change, but the powers didn't listen. When I was in my 30ies it became obvious to me that I had to take full responsibility for my way and didn't need a leader, father or whoever to approve or reject what I thought was right. My sons didn't have to take part in the teachings of the church, I let them to decide for themselves (in primary school already) if they wanted it or not. And they are good people who would never hurt someone and who became both conscientious objectors.
Now close to the end of my way I think there is a Creation -Spirit containing everything , we all , like everything on earth, share that Spirit of Creation, which is a power neither good nor bad. Humans are free to choose, but most of them are not up to the task to make the choices of love. That's why we need Gods and religious teachings in the first place and these also have failed us miserably.
My conclusion ? There is none but this one: There will always be good and bad. If more people would only think the way my own mother did, when she told me: " I hope to live my live in a way that in the end I added more good than bad on the scale of the world."
God existed before the fall of Rome, before the Israelites were a people with an identity. A construct didnt rescue them from the slavery of the Egyptians. A real power did. Rome fell apart because of its decadence...the elite thought they could rule indefinitely...they were wrong. Somehow a beleaguered bunch of fisherman disillusioned with the death of their God on Easter Friday...Overcome and seemingly without hope transformed civilisation with a set of values that became prosperous western civilisation. They had the constructs of law and christian principles for the value of every human being. What happened in between? Answer: Easter Monday...they didnt have a conference to sit down and workshop creative ideas in the meantime. The Jesus they idolised up to his death gave them reason to worship on Easter monday, reason to lay down their lives for a power greater than themselves. Jesus proved that He was who he said He was he showed he had power over death...the Son of God, sent from God a real person who struggled felt the things we feel. Only He has that credential only He was the spotless lamb - thats why death could not hold him. Easter Monday ....freedom brothers and sisters ...thats the power available to each of us. He's a real person. He is alive and he wants to live with us in Spirit. I encourage everyone to read Lee Strobels book 'The case for Christ' he summarises credible evidence that Jesus is in fact God.(Part of the Trinity) your brother in this freedom war Michael, Anthony
Jesus Christ is the revelation of God. He is the expess image of the Godhead. It's very fitting on this remembrance of Good Friday, to seek God with our whole heart.
Repentance is key. Acts 2:38-39 is for all. It's our move. Praying for you, & everyone who is seeking truth during this time of so much deception. Blessings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Michael, remember the day when the people went to the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne and the police fired on them. Earlier in the day when you were in the CBD you told God that you were a lapsed Catholic and you asked for help. Two things happened, you had a sense of peace and an absence of fear and you got on with the day and all it entailed. God met you at your point of need, I don't understand why you have dismissed Him so easily. The Bible is year after year the world's best selling book, how many books do you sell? Creating a god in your own image, that's old news, read Isaiah 44:1518, We didn't ask to be born and we are going to die, hardly fair, but God entered the world through Christ the Saviour who was born just as we were, He was sent by the Father, He did not ask to come and He suffered every temptation as we do but He did not sin. On the cross He became a curse for us, all the depravity, sickness and awfulness of this world was laid on Him who was innocent, He payed the price that we should pay. Then up from the grave He arose and defeated all His foes, death and hell, therefore there is no other name by which humankind can be saved but through the name of Jesus Christ. If you want to be an authority on God, read what He has to say so you have the knowledge to talk intelligently about Him, otherwise it would be best to move onto a topic that you have working knowledge of..
Faith being tested. Times are getting worse for so many innocent people. Stay strong and know you created in love. Think of restoring LOVE INTO THIS evil empires that are attacking us. 🙏 The tide will change. Prays are being answered. So much good in our world. Sending you lots of love 🥰
You’re right Michael. We do need a new version of God. I personally believe the original version Jesus taught before the authorities sabotaged it was the best. It’s as old as time, but it will seem new because we’ve been indoctrinated into the BS version of it for nearly 2000 years.
Thank you Michael. After extreme loss, I went within, silently and alone. Not in a prison cell or a hospital ward, but in my own bed on weekends
An sometimes on a week
Day. I still had to earn money to survive; I couldn’t give up completely. I had to deal
With my losses without seeking comfort from others: I knew I had their compassion and love. What I found was the warrior God within. The absolute essential of gratitude and the light of the strength of the fearless God within us. God dwells in each and everyone one of us; we were made in his image. We must honour our God within and feel strangely and unquestionably and even beatifically,
Empowered. We become one with our source, our light, our being.
I have once witnessed a woman undergoing a true meditative state whilst she was speaking to, and doing for, others. I was concerned about her as I didn’t understand that this was happening to her, and her eyes were looking but didn’t seem to be seeing. I spoke with her afterwards and asked her if she was OK. I said I felt like she had gone into the heavens. She said that is where she was. This was in January 2020. I was doing a weekend workshop on the 4 faces of women at the Brahma Kumaris Retreat in Frankston Sth.
We must learn to fly high. To tap into our core essence of being, and to reconnect with God and one another more easily via our energies.
Thanks for the opportunity to write to you Michael.
Yes, Michael, you ask the most important question of our time. Looking back on my life (I'll be 81 in a few months) I can see that I did that for many years, because I thought, I needed someone who knew more about God, about religion, than me. Being protestant, I converted to being catholic because of the "buon Papa" John XXIII, who wanted to reconcile the Churches, but died after being Pope only for 5 years. I met many priests who also wanted change, but the powers didn't listen. When I was in my 30ies it became obvious to me that I had to take full responsibility for my way and didn't need a leader, father or whoever to approve or reject what I thought was right. My sons didn't have to take part in the teachings of the church, I let them to decide for themselves (in primary school already) if they wanted it or not. And they are good people who would never hurt someone and who became both conscientious objectors.
Now close to the end of my way I think there is a Creation -Spirit containing everything , we all , like everything on earth, share that Spirit of Creation, which is a power neither good nor bad. Humans are free to choose, but most of them are not up to the task to make the choices of love. That's why we need Gods and religious teachings in the first place and these also have failed us miserably.
My conclusion ? There is none but this one: There will always be good and bad. If more people would only think the way my own mother did, when she told me: " I hope to live my live in a way that in the end I added more good than bad on the scale of the world."
God existed before the fall of Rome, before the Israelites were a people with an identity. A construct didnt rescue them from the slavery of the Egyptians. A real power did. Rome fell apart because of its decadence...the elite thought they could rule indefinitely...they were wrong. Somehow a beleaguered bunch of fisherman disillusioned with the death of their God on Easter Friday...Overcome and seemingly without hope transformed civilisation with a set of values that became prosperous western civilisation. They had the constructs of law and christian principles for the value of every human being. What happened in between? Answer: Easter Monday...they didnt have a conference to sit down and workshop creative ideas in the meantime. The Jesus they idolised up to his death gave them reason to worship on Easter monday, reason to lay down their lives for a power greater than themselves. Jesus proved that He was who he said He was he showed he had power over death...the Son of God, sent from God a real person who struggled felt the things we feel. Only He has that credential only He was the spotless lamb - thats why death could not hold him. Easter Monday ....freedom brothers and sisters ...thats the power available to each of us. He's a real person. He is alive and he wants to live with us in Spirit. I encourage everyone to read Lee Strobels book 'The case for Christ' he summarises credible evidence that Jesus is in fact God.(Part of the Trinity) your brother in this freedom war Michael, Anthony
Michael, there's a hunger I hear in your words.
God hasn't changed, it's our move.
Jesus Christ is the revelation of God. He is the expess image of the Godhead. It's very fitting on this remembrance of Good Friday, to seek God with our whole heart.
Repentance is key. Acts 2:38-39 is for all. It's our move. Praying for you, & everyone who is seeking truth during this time of so much deception. Blessings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Michael, remember the day when the people went to the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne and the police fired on them. Earlier in the day when you were in the CBD you told God that you were a lapsed Catholic and you asked for help. Two things happened, you had a sense of peace and an absence of fear and you got on with the day and all it entailed. God met you at your point of need, I don't understand why you have dismissed Him so easily. The Bible is year after year the world's best selling book, how many books do you sell? Creating a god in your own image, that's old news, read Isaiah 44:1518, We didn't ask to be born and we are going to die, hardly fair, but God entered the world through Christ the Saviour who was born just as we were, He was sent by the Father, He did not ask to come and He suffered every temptation as we do but He did not sin. On the cross He became a curse for us, all the depravity, sickness and awfulness of this world was laid on Him who was innocent, He payed the price that we should pay. Then up from the grave He arose and defeated all His foes, death and hell, therefore there is no other name by which humankind can be saved but through the name of Jesus Christ. If you want to be an authority on God, read what He has to say so you have the knowledge to talk intelligently about Him, otherwise it would be best to move onto a topic that you have working knowledge of..
Best regards, Leigh Barrett Colac
Faith being tested. Times are getting worse for so many innocent people. Stay strong and know you created in love. Think of restoring LOVE INTO THIS evil empires that are attacking us. 🙏 The tide will change. Prays are being answered. So much good in our world. Sending you lots of love 🥰
You do such great work. Congratulations.