Brave young lass. May your spirit always be accompanied on the next plane. God bless you for your strength and courage and standing up to the heavies of this world.
We all feel sad when a young person dies, especially after having been unwell for so long. However, I think you all need to understand what you are up in arms about; a double lung transplant. The facts of double lung transplants are:
- they are extremely rare. Less than 100 such operations a year in Aus.
- it is an extremely painful operation with huge infection and rejection risks and usually only provides only short term relief.
- it is asking Drs to play God
- finding the lungs ripe for transplant is a horror story in itself. The preference is for same age, same gender lungs, for obvious compatibility reasons.
- the lungs can only be removed from someone declared “brain dead”, ie the person is still being ventilated, heart pumping, blood flowing.
- the donor has to be healthy.
- the donor has to have blood comparability.
- the chances of finding a healthy young compatible girl, who is declared “brain dead” only, and who has parents who agree to keep her ventilated whilst she is having her lungs removed, are very very narrow. They cannot use lungs form a dead person as they have died.
- one has to be in favour of removing vital organs from a “brain dead” child.
- this is a major ethical issue as “brain dead” is also very a controversial issue, and many believe that it is part of the killing and gross inhumane experimental side of medicine.
- would you allow your young daughter, perhaps almost dead from an accident, still breathing and with a beating heart, still on ventilation, to have her lungs removed to help another very sick and unwell girl? As a mother and a grand-mother, I find the concept to be just another abhorrent desecration of the sacred nature of life and death.
- be careful with what you expect from the so called marvels of body part transplants and modern surgical practises.
I don't disagree with any of the points you made vivienne. But it is the way Dazelle & her family were treated, all because she chose not to be jabbed with an experimental mRNA injection that has killed millions worldwide, including young children. If this is what the medical profession has become, then I and thousands of others want no part in it. Yes, darling Dazelle probably wouldn't have survived, either waiting for a transplant or even after the transplant. But that is not the point. In a humane world, she would have at least been put on the Transplant waiting list. That is the point. The so called Medical Profession has lost it's way. It is pure evil. Run by bureaucratic money counting administrators & heartless box ticking Doctor's & Nurses.
It's a given that any organ transplant has no guarantees. Most of us took issue that this beautiful child was not even considered because she wasn't jabbed with poison...4 times... The ethics and morality of this situation are beyond belief...
I agree with you there too. 40 years ago I was that parent who had to make that decision, and I can tell you, even though I knew my son was brain dead, he felt warm to the touch, his heart still pumped and the respirator kept his lungs operating....but I could not make that decision about anything because the trauma I faced, was just way too raw and the hill was too high for me to climb. The next morning the machines were still keeping him alive, but the surgeons and doctors told us there was nothing they could do because his main brain stem had been severed in the accident. They told me that his body would always need machines to keep it going, but he'd be a vegetable because there was 'no-one home'. While they let that sink in, along with more questions from us, they then asked if we would consider donating my son's organs. I had not even given any thought to organ donation, but something flashed into my memory.
3 months prior, my son and I had been watching a Mike Willasee documentary about a little boy who needed a stem cell transplant as he would die without it. The parents were told that the stem cells would have to come from an umbilical cord of a newborn, but the parents had not wanted anymore children as they'd had enough. So they decided that to save the young boys life, they would have another child and collect the stem cells for their son. A year later his little sister was born and the stem cells were harvested and transplanted into the little boy. It saved his life. My son said to me that if he was ever in that situation and needed a transplant, he would be so grateful to someone even though he understood that the donor would have to be passed and that would make him sad.
So, that little memory was the trigger to donate whichever organs they needed.
So all in all, I do get it about the transplant situation, and yes, it is so difficult for the medics to be able to find viable organs and matches. Sad, but true.
Brave young lass. May your spirit always be accompanied on the next plane. God bless you for your strength and courage and standing up to the heavies of this world.
We all feel sad when a young person dies, especially after having been unwell for so long. However, I think you all need to understand what you are up in arms about; a double lung transplant. The facts of double lung transplants are:
- they are extremely rare. Less than 100 such operations a year in Aus.
- it is an extremely painful operation with huge infection and rejection risks and usually only provides only short term relief.
- it is asking Drs to play God
- finding the lungs ripe for transplant is a horror story in itself. The preference is for same age, same gender lungs, for obvious compatibility reasons.
- the lungs can only be removed from someone declared “brain dead”, ie the person is still being ventilated, heart pumping, blood flowing.
- the donor has to be healthy.
- the donor has to have blood comparability.
- the chances of finding a healthy young compatible girl, who is declared “brain dead” only, and who has parents who agree to keep her ventilated whilst she is having her lungs removed, are very very narrow. They cannot use lungs form a dead person as they have died.
- one has to be in favour of removing vital organs from a “brain dead” child.
- this is a major ethical issue as “brain dead” is also very a controversial issue, and many believe that it is part of the killing and gross inhumane experimental side of medicine.
- would you allow your young daughter, perhaps almost dead from an accident, still breathing and with a beating heart, still on ventilation, to have her lungs removed to help another very sick and unwell girl? As a mother and a grand-mother, I find the concept to be just another abhorrent desecration of the sacred nature of life and death.
- be careful with what you expect from the so called marvels of body part transplants and modern surgical practises.
I don't disagree with any of the points you made vivienne. But it is the way Dazelle & her family were treated, all because she chose not to be jabbed with an experimental mRNA injection that has killed millions worldwide, including young children. If this is what the medical profession has become, then I and thousands of others want no part in it. Yes, darling Dazelle probably wouldn't have survived, either waiting for a transplant or even after the transplant. But that is not the point. In a humane world, she would have at least been put on the Transplant waiting list. That is the point. The so called Medical Profession has lost it's way. It is pure evil. Run by bureaucratic money counting administrators & heartless box ticking Doctor's & Nurses.
It's a given that any organ transplant has no guarantees. Most of us took issue that this beautiful child was not even considered because she wasn't jabbed with poison...4 times... The ethics and morality of this situation are beyond belief...
I agree with you there too. 40 years ago I was that parent who had to make that decision, and I can tell you, even though I knew my son was brain dead, he felt warm to the touch, his heart still pumped and the respirator kept his lungs operating....but I could not make that decision about anything because the trauma I faced, was just way too raw and the hill was too high for me to climb. The next morning the machines were still keeping him alive, but the surgeons and doctors told us there was nothing they could do because his main brain stem had been severed in the accident. They told me that his body would always need machines to keep it going, but he'd be a vegetable because there was 'no-one home'. While they let that sink in, along with more questions from us, they then asked if we would consider donating my son's organs. I had not even given any thought to organ donation, but something flashed into my memory.
3 months prior, my son and I had been watching a Mike Willasee documentary about a little boy who needed a stem cell transplant as he would die without it. The parents were told that the stem cells would have to come from an umbilical cord of a newborn, but the parents had not wanted anymore children as they'd had enough. So they decided that to save the young boys life, they would have another child and collect the stem cells for their son. A year later his little sister was born and the stem cells were harvested and transplanted into the little boy. It saved his life. My son said to me that if he was ever in that situation and needed a transplant, he would be so grateful to someone even though he understood that the donor would have to be passed and that would make him sad.
So, that little memory was the trigger to donate whichever organs they needed.
So all in all, I do get it about the transplant situation, and yes, it is so difficult for the medics to be able to find viable organs and matches. Sad, but true.
Willow much love and respect for sharing your heart breaking loss and what you endured with your dear son. xo
We are Dazelle and Dazelle is us.
The Australian government has a policy of murdering the unvaccinated in hospitals, not just with transplant decisions but the hospital protocols.
Where are the lawyers? Where are the injuctions? The Emergency powers are over.
The free thinkers and the brave are being systematically exterminated.
Fly high Dazelle. We failed you. I'm so sorry.
I've never been more embarrassed to be Australian... shame shame shame on our medical profession.
Forever in our memories 💕
Poor Dazelle ... RIP ... we tried by sticking up stickers and making people aware ...