Cafe Locked Out
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For My Daughter, Rachel Douglas, in The Wake of Covid

For My Daughter, Rachel Douglas, in The Wake of Covid

Cafe Locked Out

Gail Roberts, For My Daughter, Rachel Douglas. The Silent Broken Wake of Covid. Dear Albo, we are your brothers and sisters and these people are suffering and if you can't help them physically, please please please find the moral fortitude to give them the mercy of acknowledgment.

As so many people are apparently moving on as though the last few years didn't happen, others are marooned in the debris of loss. A multifaceted loss brought on not just by covid, but by our community's decisions,

Cafe Locked Out relies solely on its donations .
Currently Michael is preparing for his next trip and so If you would like to help us with fuel costs and to stay on air, grow, and continue to document the voices and stories of Australians please donate here: for one off donations or our shop


Cafe Locked Out.

Cafe Locked Out
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