
Seeing The Forest We are Planting For Our Kids

Michael Gray Griffith

And so here is where we are. Through our silence, we have approved the laying of a new moral foundation that our children are now being born into, if they survive pregnancy.

So first off, the baby, who despite the advances in AI and robotics, still insists on the old-school route of growing inside a mother, can now be terminated up to the day of birth.

And if they survive the termination, instead of society rushing to their aid—like someone plucking a struggling insect from a web before the spider can reach it—we now leave them to die. This can take a few hours, but even a few hours of life, despite the pain of forced birth and abandonment, is better than no life at all.

But for those babies who are wanted, the needles are waiting for them: Vitamin K, and a hepatitis B vaccine.

And we need to do this because, obviously, all those who claim God doesn’t make mistakes don’t want to face the fact that this child has been sent to us, ill-equipped to survive in our dangerous, dirty jungle, with its hygiene, clean water—unless we inject them with our vaccines.

How these babies survived being born in caves, or birthing trees, who knows? Dumb luck, maybe.

What’s great though, is that now we have found a better way to protect our babies, other than the archaic and dodgy natural immune system. Now, apart from autism, eczema, and diabetes, we have the healthiest children who have ever walked this planet.

Not only that, but each jabbed baby is doing their civic duty by supporting, cash-cow-like, our benevolent guardians—the big pharma corporations.

Oh, and now we’ve even found a way to relieve them of the hardships of life. As per this video, in Canada, apparently, a nineteen-year-old suffering depression, because he had acne and couldn’t get a girlfriend, was granted the right to voluntary euthanasia. Or rather, the State mercifully fixed his depression… forever.

Such is the grace of our improved humanity, where, through our silence, we have agreed to lift the burden from our children—that they are special, unique, and coveted by society. Instead, we are liberating them with the truth that they are just another number. A beloved cow that can be milked daily, until their milk runs dry, where, instead of making them feel bad for that, we offer them a chance to do what’s right for our struggling health system and the threat of climate change by allowing them to take all their secret dreams, poetry, and yet-to-blossom seeds of greatness into a pod, where, as one, they can leave us.

Yes, just think about how future generations are going to celebrate our vision and courage to throw off the responsibility of making our children feel wanted from the beginning and liberate them too from the lie of freedom.

I think, if their masters allow them, they might build shrines to us. Can you see it? A huge statue of three unknown people, symbolizing our generation. Called The Architects, the bronze statues will tower over them all—one with their hands over their eyes, one with their hands over their ears, and one with their hands over their mouths.
