Cafe Locked Out
Cafe’s Locked Out Mailing List
The Freedom Doctor & Three The Human Rights’ Lawyers

The Freedom Doctor & Three The Human Rights’ Lawyers

Cafe Locked Out Podcast

CLO’s podcast are free to consume but not to produce, so if you could take out a paid subscription that would be wonderful

Tonight, three brave and passionate Lawyers, all with a strong social conscience, join myself and defiantly outspoken, Dr Paul Oosterhuis for a chat.

They are Peter Fam, Here is his Law Firm Matt's Method

Gareth from Reignite Legal

And Jayath Vidanage From Old Port Chambers

To support these artists purchase their songs at

Café Locked Out is more than a group of independent media streamers, we are voices from the front line.

Veterans in a strange war, whose greatest adversary is the apathy of our brothers and sisters. Australians who we now know are being injured or even worse. Australians who would probably say nothing if we were all imprisoned and or removed from you view.

This is why trying to find brave sponsors is so hard. Businesses, even those who follow us, are fearful of any public association, so if you want us to keep going, it would be great if you can help, for we are more than determined to keep our work free to consume, we are fully committed to the cause of using “a search for the truth,” to stop this incoming tide of tyranny.

Cafe Locked Out
Cafe’s Locked Out Mailing List
Defending Free Speech by Refusing to be Silent. We post daily Podcasts and updates.