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THE REVOLUTION HAS BEGUN, 8_32 Gatherings are taking off.

THE REVOLUTION HAS BEGUN, 8_32 Gatherings are taking off.


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With the mis-dif-information bill heading our way, 8:32 gatherings are becoming very popular.

8:32 Gatherings are not an event but just a weekend meet up, where like minded people can come together and hang out for two days.

Tonight we talk to the team who set-up the inaugural 8:32 gathering in the small Victorian town of Quambatook. Now Topher and Monica Smit are attending the next one.

The beauty of these gatherings is that they give our tribe a break, and allow us to strengthen our relationships and sharpen our resolve, as we network and bounce ideas around.

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Free Speech is the healthiest battle ground for ideas we have.

With well over 1200 interviews, he intends to keep going until people stop talking and watching.

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