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Dr Oosterhuis: The Continued Journey of A Doctor who wants to be Free to be A Doctor

Dr Oosterhuis: The Continued Journey of A Doctor who wants to be Free to be A Doctor

Cafe Locked out Podcast

Dr Paul Oosterhuis was the first Doctor to be suspended for questioning the Covid narrative. But after winning his registration back he’s not sure he wants to be a Doctor, if that means working under the boot of APRHA, instead he would prefer to work towards building a new health system for the country which is why he is one of the Authors of The Lighthouse Declaration,

THE CAPE BYRON LIGHTHOUSE DECLARATION was written to raise awareness about the vast numbers of health professionals who have been censored when attempting to raise awareness of significant harms caused by government Covid-19 policies.

These harms included lockdowns, suppression of early treatment, and coercion through mask and vaccine mandates. Our position is that these various policy missteps have resulted in unnecessary harm to, and the death of millions of people around the globe. The suspension and ‘disciplining’ of a small number of clinicians, including the authors of this declaration, resulted in a chilling effect: all health professionals who similarly took issue with government policy, were terrorised into silence.

Michael Gray Griffith

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