Steve Parker is our guest tonight.
In his own words:
With the Federal Election coming up, Steve says: let’s unify for it, the time tor protesting, pleading, petitions, wishing, is over, that is slave behaviour, boot them out, we, the people, are the authority.
Regardless of preferences and our unique differences, we have a common view; to unite and promote.
All individuals/groups to retain their autonomy, but on one or more points, we sing in unison; the more the better.
Set up a Parallel election under the de jure Commonwealth of Australia.
Time and effort is money, all work has a price, Consider looking at business Models being integrated into the organizations for fund raising, member benefits and business benefits, Buy Australian, support Business that support us, receive member discounts.
Look at law and society, back to basics,
Tribal law, for harmony of living together and survival of the tribe
Trade law, for tribes to meet and trade, and rules applied for all to benefit without resorting to war.
To get a conversation started around re-writing the law for the people, not the ‘elite’ and corporations.
There is no separation, law grew out of rules for society, tribe, to live in harmony, business for the purpose of trading and resolving trade disputes and communication between tribes.
Any other ideas people wish to bring to the table.
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