Cafe Locked Out Podcasts
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An Origional Wiluna Woman on Wiluna and the voice

An Origional Wiluna Woman on Wiluna and the voice

In the tiny poor town of Wiluna one indigenous woman wanted to speak, but she wanted it to be anonymous.

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Michael hit the road to see if there was any resistance in the country towns, initially he was hoping to spread the hope and joy of Camp Epic, but across the land, conquered by fear, he discovered that the seeds of Epic were being replanted and nurtured by a defiant Tribe, and each determined shoot held the promise of becoming a garden of hope. And as some failed to flourish, for whatever reason, others were quickly planted, proving that the Australian Spirit is far from dead. But it is under threat. The ear of ‘she’ll be right’ is over.
Now as the founder of Café Locked Out, he uses his heavily shadow banned platform as a modest defence of something that everyone associated with CLO believes is essential, Free Speech. And the only way to truly defend Free Speech is to exercise it.
With well over 1000 interviews, he intends to keep going until people stop talking and watching.

Cafe Locked Out relies solely on its donations . for one off donations
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Cafe Locked Out Podcasts
Cafe’s Locked Out Mailing List
Defending Free Speech by Refusing to be Silent. We post daily Podcasts and updates.