Cafe Locked Out
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Drag Story Time and The Cardi Girls plus guest Natasha

Drag Story Time and The Cardi Girls plus guest Natasha

Cafe Locked Out Podcast

This week, in Adelaide yesterday there was a flash point at a ‘drag time story event’.

Why? What’s the issues with men dressed up like (well what’s a word that won’t get us cancelled) teaching our children new fairytales? Like Jack and Jill went up the hill and swapped genitals.

Well, Natasha was there and so tonight she’ll share with the Cardi Girls a direct witness account of the glorious cultural event.

And apart from whatever the girls want to talk about, they want to hear from you, so if you want to have you say you can join the webinar channel for the show here.

Also we are having ‘Shit Stirring Wooden Spoons’ made if you are interested, let us know.


The Cardi Girls EP #4, tonight 7.30 pm Melbourne time

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