Cafe Locked Out
Cafe’s Locked Out Mailing List
Hey, Did we just Win_ The No Goat Show

Hey, Did we just Win_ The No Goat Show

Cafe Locked Out Podcast

In WA they have dropped all the health mandates. Covid, the dreaded virus has apparently become yesterday's bad memory. The plague on all our houses that exposed us for who we really were, and since we all love to be the hero (or the Victim) in our own lives, now we don't want to look at that reality, nor hear about all our injured and dying brothers and sisters.

So let's all just move on . . . To where? And what about the herds of elephants clogging our rooms.

Supporting Cafe Locked Out

Cafe Locked Out relies solely on its donations . Currently Michael is preparing and planning to travel again and so If you would like to help us with fuel costs and to stay on air, grow, and continue to document the voices and stories of Australians please donate here: for one off donations or our shop

or might affect Australia.

Cafe Locked Out
Cafe’s Locked Out Mailing List
Defending Free Speech by Refusing to be Silent. We post daily Podcasts and updates.