After Epic, many Victorian protesters hung out on a remote farm. All of them were social lepers, cast out to the edge of society because they would not get vaccinated. Yet here was warm and friendly, they felt wanted here, but how to sustain themselves. So since they were running low on cash, and since the great protest was over, they were facing returning to a hostile environment, where their spouses, parents and even children were going to treat them with shame, as though they were voluntarily diseased. Inconvenient Lepers.
But the authorities weren’t finished. These gatherings were marketed by them as training grounds for a new sovereign army, but if they were an army their only weapon was hugs, and their only want, ‘Was the want to hold on to their right, to decide for themselves what went into their body.’
Tonight, Jay comes on to recant his horrific story to how he was the victim of this drive to portray us as the enemy of the people, in order to continue to frighten the compliant into silence.
Basically, Communism for Dummies.
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